Chapter 14

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The meeting with the council members went on for another three hours which led right into the early hours. I felt exhausted.

The council members had rang Alpha Cedrick and they were asking every question known to man, and even some I didn't even bother asking.

Alpha Cerdrick just hung up the phone and everything was set for all witches to attend the werewolf school. They would be starting school in three days, to be shown around and be introduced to the werewolf kids.

All of Callie's age group was going but there was still the matter of Callie to go. I believe she would benefit from going, she can make new friends and even get to be part of something.

The council members were murmuring and getting ready to leave, which made me clear my throat. "Council," I said, making them all stop what they were doing and look at me. "There is something we need to talk about."

Some looked on in confusion, except Darla, who seemed to know what I was going to ask. "You want your granddaughter to go with them?" she asked, making the others look surprised.

"Yes," I said, glancing between them until I landed on Darla, who seemed to be on my side during the whole meeting. She agreed to everything I said, which surprised me.

"I don't believe that is a good idea," one of the council members said, but I never bothered to look to see who spoke. I kept my eyes on Darla, who was staring back.

"And why is that?" I asked. "I mean, she has done everything you have asked of her, even staying inside and being homeschooled by me and her aunt. I think she should be with the others and the werewolves."

"What about her magic?" Darla asked, moving her head to the side. "That is not only the problem. She doesn't look like the others. She will be asked and noticed. Do you want—"

"Callie can handle it," I said, cutting her off. "Her magic is under control. You can even ask Claude how her training is going. As for her looks, she can wear a disguise."

No one spoke for a moment, but I continued. I needed to speak up for my granddaughter, she couldn't then who else but me?

"Callie has done everything you have asked," I said. "Like I said. She deserves to be treated her age and not something that no one can be around. She is a child, who needs to be with people her own age. You have kept her away from the others, making them believe that she was a freak or an abomination, but she hasn't even done any damage, not even when she came here."

Everyone's eyes were on me. Some where thinking I was crazy, but I believed in my granddaughter. She needed to be with her kind and even prove that she was one of them.

"How will Callie be okay with the others if she isn't allowed to be with them?" I asked. "Callie knows how to rein in her magic when she needs to. She learned that the first night she came here. If you are concerned, maybe send Phoebe in with her or a teacher."

"If we allow her to go," Darla blurted out. "How will she explain her eyes?"

"She won't have to," I said, thinking on the spot. "She can wear contact lenses. We can decide on a color and stick to it."

Darla nodded and looked to the others, then back at me. "Her scars?" she asked. "She will have to cover them up. And the wolf needs to be kept at home—"

"Storm is her guide," I said, cutting her off. "He won't harm anyone. If anything, we can state that she needs him for guidance like a service dog or something."

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