Chapter 2

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I am woken up by the car screeching to a halt in the middle of the road. My eyes are wide open; I can feel my body burning again. My hands are engulfed in purple flames. "Callie, you need to calm down," my mum says calmly. "It's only a nightmare."

I close my eyes and take deep breaths.

Once again, the purple flames were gone within seconds of calming down. I breathe out, realising I was holding my breath. My mum starts the engine, and we go ahead with wherever we are heading to.

"What were you dreaming about?" she asks, but I think she knows what it was about. I look down at my hands. "You said I'm a witch, what kind of witch am I?" I ask trying to make sense of it all.

"You are a descendant of a powerful witch. But before I go say anything else, I want to pull over for a moment. I want to check something, but we still must keep going as soon as we can," she says, looking at me.

I nod.

My mum pulls onto the dirt side of the road and stops. She turns in her seat as her hand went to the light. She switched it on and stared at me. I look at her as her eyes focus on mine and widen as shock appears. I can feel her emotions; she is calm but also in amazed. "Callie," she whispers, "Your eyes are not green anymore, they are grey."

I move frantically, grabbing the mirror and to look at myself, my mouth falls open. My eyes are grey. Yes, you heard me, grey. I look like I have no eyes, as they are a light shade of grey. Not only that, but my hair also seems to have some purple streaks in it. I look like I have highlights going through my hair.

I look back at my mum. "How is this possible, Mum?" I ask, but I sound like I am shouting at her. She is stunned but says, "This is all new to me too Callie, we are heading to my old coven. My mum and sister will know."

I stare back at her, stunned. "Your mum and sister? That means I have a grandmother and auntie. You never told me you had any family. Dad always said that they were dead." I say, trying to wrap my head around the fact that I have more family members.

I look at my mum; her emotions are getting the better of her. She is really sad and says, "I couldn't tell you. That spell that your father used made sure I couldn't tell you anything. You have an Aunt Phoebe and grandmother, Ada."

She gives me a small smile as a few tears flow down her face.

Mum turns in her seat to face the forward and knocks the light back off. She puts her seatbelt back on and turns the key in the ignition and drives away, back onto the road.

I couldn't say anything. I didn't know what to say to her. I was in shock.

My whole life is a complete lie.

We are in complete silence. I look out the window, but I am soon drifting back off to sleep again. I always have to sleep in the car, especially on long journeys. If I don't, I will have motion sickness.

A few hours later, I open my eyes to the sun setting and we are now in a small town. No one is awake, but the town has a few shops and a huge forestry around it. It looks so peaceful. I don't know where we are or even how long I was asleep for.

I stay awake and look at my mum, who seems exhausted. She glanced over at me and smiles. "We are here, Callie. We are at the coven. We call ourselves the Coven of Eternal. There are many witches and even warlocks."

I am in complete awe with the town that I just nod at her, but I have so many questions.

"What does a coven do?" I ask, still looking out of my window. "Our coven protects new witches. We help and guide them, even train them to use their magic; we are like a big family and are treated like family, especially if anyone who has got no family members, we take in witches of all kinds."

I suddenly remember something. "Mum, what kind of witch are you?" I ask, wanting to know more about her, as this is probably the most we have ever spoken to each other.

I look over as mum smiles. "Most witches know how to control one of the four elements: wind, earth, water, or fire. I'm a wind witch," she says proudly. "Aunt Phoebe is a water witch and Grandma Ada used to be water, I believe. She doesn't very rare use her magic anymore, not since she became older, but she can make some mean potions out of herbs," she says smiling.

My mum turns a corner and as we do, we come up to a drive which leads to a big house. It looks old and looks to be some kind of house you might see out of a film. It has a porch with a swing set outside. The door is red and the whole house is made of red brick with wooden window frames. It looks like a three-storey house.

My mum comes to a complete stop at the top of the drive. I look at the house and open my door while grabbing my rucksack, but before I do, my mum speaks. "I will go first, as they didn't know we were coming," she says, looking at me. I can feel the worry coming off her as she looks at the house.

We get out of the car and close the door. My mum leads the way, and I follow her as we walk along the path, which leads to three steps. We climb them. But I get this funny feeling that someone is watching me but not from the house but from behind me. I turn around and see no one.

Strange, as I look back as mum rings the doorbell as I step to the left side, so I am hiding out of view.

The door opens after a short few seconds and there stands a young woman with long black hair and who looks exactly like my mum except for her eyes, which are piercing blue. My mums are green.

I kept looking at them. If I didn't know any better, they could have been twins.

Phoebe was staring in shock at her sister as my mum talks. "Hey Sis, I need help, well we need your help," my mum says as she pulls me closer to her. Phoebe looks straight at me and is in complete shock. "You both better get inside here," she says as she opens the door wider for us to walk in.

As we walk in, the house smells like cinnamon, and it is very spacious. My mum looks at Phoebe. "This is my daughter, Callie. She just turned 10 today," she says as Phoebe is looking at me, completely amazed and shocked. "Happy Birthday. Callie," she says while smiling.

They were acting weird, even though I have never met this woman before. Even I could tell something was off. I was about to say something when a door swings open and an older lady comes in with a tray full of cakes, but she is not looking at us. "Phoebe, who was at the..." she says but stops suddenly and looks straight at us.

The tray drops to the floor with a loud crash. "Oh, my heavens," she says, looking straight at my mum, who is crying with silent tears.

The lady grabs my mum and pulls her into a big hug, and she sobs. "You are back. Finally, you are back," she says while holding my mum tightly.

After a few moments, they let each other go, and both turn to look at me. I am feeling so overwhelmed right now; I don't know whether I want to vomit or cry or even both.

The lady looks straight at me and smiles. "Who is this lovely young lady, Lyn," she says to Mum, who by now becomes very nervous suddenly.

My mum places her hand in the lady's hand and turns her so she is looking at her. "This is my daughter, Callie, Mum," she says.

The lady, who I now know is my grandmother, looks shocked. "This can't be happening," she says firmly, but my mum cuts her off before she can continue. "I know, but I need to explain to you everything that has happened, but I think Callie could do with a shower and a lie-down. We have been traveling all night to get here," Mum says while looking between me and my grandmother.

There was something clearly going on, and my mum wanted me out of the way so she could talk to her family.

I felt the burning sensation happening again, but this was all because I was angry. Angry because I had to leave my home, learning I was a witch, and that I had a family. It was all so much for a ten-year-old to take. 

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