Chapter 18

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Sleep came up as soon as my grandmother left the room. I was so excited by the news she gave me.

I was going to school with the other witches.

Part of me was excited, but another part was petrified. Not one person my age has been near me. They fear me, or they believe what every adult tells them.#

Through the years, I have tried to avoid people who would make snarky comments. The only time they did nothing with me was when I was Sienna and Claude. They would just stare and watch me from a distance. It used to be hard to concentrate, but when Claude saw them, they moved along.

I know why everyone is afraid of me. It is all to do with my magic.

Every member here hates new and change, so it was only a matter of time before something like a school would set them all off.

Movement on my bed made me move up and look at the big lump of fur on the bed. His eyes bore back at me. I moved up and sat, placing my hand into his fur. I rubbed his belly while he got into a better position. I smiled while I stared at him.

Storm let out a yawn but placed his nose to my hand that was rubbing his belly and licked me.

"I don't think you can come with me to school," I muttered, which made him look at me like he knew what I was on about. My eyes darted up to the door while I spoke again. "I know it is going to be new for me being with all the other witches," I said with a sigh, still rubbing part of his fur, but not concentrating on him.

My mind wandered over every little scenario that could come to mind of all the ways people were going to be to me.

Sienna was The only one with my back besides Claude and Storm. Besides Claude and Storm, Sienna was the only one with my back. At the start, we said little to each other, but one evening, when Phoebe was in the kitchen, she asked if Sienna wanted to stay and watch a series we were watching—Gilmore Girls. It was then we learned that we had similar interests.

After that night, we watched the show and many others after that. I let my guard down with her and talked openly with her about what had happened to me, such as my parents and why I came here.

After listening to all that, all the information shocked her. She mentioned a few times to me about introducing me to some kids our age, but I didn't want to, and not after what they were like with me.

A lick of my hand brought me back to the present. I shook my loosened thoughts away, looked back at Storm, and smiled. I leaned toward him and pressed a kiss to his head. I licked myself again, which made me laugh.

Moving back, I looked at him and sighed. "You will need to stay here when I go to school," I said, making the daft dog to cock his head to me like I told him off. "I want to keep you safe, and knowing our luck, some werewolf will think you are one of them. I don't want anything to happen to you."

I heard movement by my door, which made Storm and I look up just as the door opened, and there stood Phoebe. She looked at us and smiled. "Well, you are up," she said. "I take it the good news grandma gave you last night is why you are smiling."

I nodded, even though it was partly the fact that I got to be normal for once in my life.

Phoebe stared at me but leaned on the doorframe. "So," she said. "Shall we get some things for you to take to school? Grandma gave me a list of everything you need to get, and there are quite a few things."

Shopping? Who girl doesn't like that?

"Sure," I said but looked toward Storm. "What's happening with Storm? Can he come with us? Or—"

"He can come with us shopping," she said, pushing off the door and entering my room. I watched as she walked over to us and patted his head. Strom stared at her, but his eyes closed as soon as her hand went to his head. He liked that. "As for school, I will have to ask your grandmother, but I have a funny feeling that he will have to stay here. There are werewolves and—"

"I know," I said, cutting her off, but sighed. "I just haven't been without him. Maybe he could meet me outside the school and walk me back or something."

Phoebe stared at me but said nothing. She sighed and looked over her shoulder. "We will see," she said and looked back at me. "Now, stop talking to me and get ready. We can leave as soon as we all have had food. Grandma is coming with us, too."

I smiled.

A family shopping trip was rare, especially when we all have different likes. Whenever I went shopping, we used to go in the evening when we knew no one was around, but it looks like I get to walking around with everyone else.

Phoebe looked at me, giving me a knowing look like she knew what I was thinking. "We are going to be out with others," she said, turning to leave. "I think it is about time they accept you, especially now that you will be with their kids at school."

I said nothing and watched my aunt leave.

My stomach churned at the mere thought of what she said. I knew the way everyone thought about me was because of the older generation. There was no doubt about it.

Shaking my thoughts away, I patted Storm's head before leaving the bed. I needed to get ready for shopping. I knew what I was going to wear too.

Moving toward the bathroom, I looked over at Storm, who had moved up slightly. "Go downstairs and have some food," I shouted. "I won't be long."

Once inside the bathroom, I closed the door behind me and sighed. I needed to be quick. Knowing my grandmother was coming, I knew she would want to be there and back again. She hated being around the coven members, and since she has been in the council building a lot over the last few days, I know she will want to keep her down and be away from them all till she has to see them again, which may be when I start school.

I needed to know the precautions of what I could and couldn't do when I was in school. My grandmother will tell me about that part later.

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