Chapter 25

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Mac walked with my father for a moment but slowed his pace. His mind was racing at what we had seen moments ago.

The witch with the strangest power we had ever seen, not to mention her looks. She was nothing we had ever met before, and something about her made her stand out to us, aside from the two most obvious things.

She seemed lost, but she also wanted more. This made us wonder what her life was like in the town. Did she go places? Was there more to her magic? And more importantly, what was with the normal wolf? No wolf I have seen would ever act like the one with her did.

All wolves knew what humans were like regarding things that were not under their control. They want answers to the impossible and will act in the most inhumane way possible, even using force and violence to get what they want.

It was the same with werewolves, but it was more the line of the showing who was more powerful.

Mac slowed until all guards and my father walked ahead but stopped. We watched them for a few moments before they were out of sight.

"We should be with papa," Mac grunted, turning around. "I think they want to talk to us about something."

I knew the look my father had given me all too well. The look would make me want to sleep for hours with his words. He may want to discuss what we saw and how I would have to be an alpha and protect everyone from what we saw.

Shaking my thoughts, I let out a sigh. "Just go back outside her house," I murmured.

Mac did as he was told and headed back. We stopped just near where the rogues had come from. Knowing my father, he would send guards to the perimeter to make sure no more were around. As much as the witch said there would be no need for our services, I was curious to know what they did.

The group of witches had left, while we stayed out of sight until they left. We moved out and stopped, close enough to see through the window, and there she was. She was talking to the older woman, but when she left, the girl looked back and right at me.

There was something in how she looked at me, but I couldn't figure out what.

After a few seconds, the girl turned around and walked through the door the old woman went through. I let out a breath, not realizing I was holding it when Mac spoke. "What is it with her?" he asked, which made me move closer to his head as he continued. "She seems special and, more importantly, a magnificent witch, something we have never seen before."

The way my wolf was acting made me question what he was thinking. I have never seen him this curious about a woman before. There have been many women in our past, and he showed no interest in them. There was only a snide comment here and there, but nothing like this.

"Most of the women you bring back are dumb," he muttered, moving from where he sat and heading home. I hated it when he listened to what I was thinking, but I couldn't help but dig snide at him.

"Well, at least I am not in love with a witch," I gritted out, making him roll his eyes back at me and glared.

"You're a poophead," he muttered and looked back. "You better shut up, or I will shift back and let you walk back home for all to see."

It was my turn to roll my eyes at him. Werewolves used to be naked, so it wouldn't be a problem for us if they saw me walking back naked.

Before I could say anything back to Mac, a mind link came through from my father. "Zeke, where are you?" he demanded. "I thought you were right behind me. Where did you go?"


What was I going to say?

"The truth," Mac grunted, but I knew not to.

"Mac needed to blow off some steam after the attack," I lied. "We are on our way back now."

The mind link was silent for a while until he spoke again. "Okay," he muttered. "Come straight to the office. Your grandfather and I need to talk to you about something, and it is important."

The urgency in his voice made Mac stop in his tracks when my father continued. "We need to discuss what you saw earlier," he said. "The witch, her power. We need to tell you what we know and devise a plan to know more about her and the witches."

I didn't like the sound of that.

What the hell did that mean?

"I need to shower," I blurted out the next part of the lie I just told. There may be a possibility that I would shower at some point, but what was another question? "Between the run, the attack, and training," I continued, trying to come up with something. "I am sweaty. Why don't we all prepare ourselves and then come to the office within the hour?"

My father sighed.

"That's a fair enough answer," he murmured. "I know I am smelling ripe; goddess only knows what you smell like."

"Cheers, dad," I grunted, making Mac chuckle.

My father let out a laugh., while his amusement flooded the link. I sighed but couldn't help the smile that pulled the corners of my lips up.

We said goodbye after a few more words, and I closed the link.

Looking back, we were at the border, where we found the wolf looking at us earlier.

No one was around. Not one pack member was either back at their jobs or having food.

My stomach growled, which let me know what the time was.

The thought of going to the hall now had me churning slightly. All my friends would want to know what happened and even ask if I had seen some witches.

I didn't want to tell them about the witch we saw.

The school was worse. Now witches were coming. Everyone was on high alert and even wondering why my father had suggested such a thing.

Our pack is known for changing with the times, but the experience of being with other supernatural beings was new to all of us, especially some of the older generations. However, my father allowed no one to impose their beliefs on him. He was open to all and even willing to learn about witches or others who differed from us.

Shaking my thoughts, Mac pushed me forward while he went back. I stood in all my naked glory and headed into the pack house to have some food. There was no point in rushing, but it was only a matter of time before I had to see my father and grandfather about what they knew.

An image of the girl came to mind, but there was some familiarity about her, which was odd. How the hell would I know about her if we only just met?

Part of me was also wondering what the hell my father was planning, but I had a hunch it somehow involved me. 

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