Chapter 21

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I had been sitting with Shadow for a while when I heard my name being called—Phoebe.

Before that, I was sitting there but felt someone watching me from behind. There should have been no one around, not unless it was the person from last night.

Ignoring Phoebe's calls, I looked around, only to notice Shadow move in the direction I was looking at. He must have them, too. I stood up and followed Shadow. We walked through the forest until we came to the entrance that was of the wolf's pack. I knew this part all too well.

My hand went to my throat, touching my scars as Shadow stepped further out. I was about to move toward him when I looked up to see a huge black wolf staring at Shadow. Without hesitation, I moved behind a tree and watched.

The wolf stared before it turned back around and headed away, just as Shadow turned around and stood by me. My eyes stayed on the departing wolf.

Moving back and leaning against the tree, I let my knee give out slightly and closed my eyes as memories of that night came flooding back.

Clenching my fists, as parts of images of that night and the enormous wolf that had me pinned to the ground and growled in my face were mere inches from slicing my face open. There was a loud howl in the distance, which made the wolf look away until another one came out of nowhere and tackled the wolf that had me.

My magic swirled around while I felt hands on my knees, which made my eyes fly open when I stared back at my frightened auntie. "Callie," she whispered, her hands trying to soothe me.

Her hands gripped mine when I saw her flinch from the flame coming from my hands. "It's okay," she murmured through clenched teeth. "It's not the same wolf. It's not and you know it. You need to calm down before the others feel your magic."

Hearing those words, I tried to calm my breathing until the flames on my hands had gone and I gripped hold of my auntie's hands tighter, to let her know I was back. Her eyes were soft and moved one hand from mine, placing it on my cheek.

Wetness had coated my cheeks where I had been crying. I had no idea was doing it, but that was what it was like. That night was a blur, and I only got certain parts. Some are real, and some are weird, to say the least. It felt like they weren't my own.

Phoebe wiped my tears away as I leaned my head back against the tree. Shadow came closer and placed his head on my shoulder to comfort me. I sat there, letting my breathing settle.

Phoebe moved and sat before me, her hand still in mine while the other had left my face. We sat there for a moment in silence until I looked at her. "I—" I said, but Phoebe shook her head.

"We all know what that night did to you," she said, letting her eyes move to my neck and then back to my eyes to continue. "No one would blame you for being scared or if you didn't want to go to school."

I looked at her in confusion. Why would it affect me so much to not attend the school?

Phoebe searched my face and probably realized what I was thinking. "Callie," she whispered. "You will be joining the pack's school. They are going to be shifting into their wolves. You must have realized that."

In all honesty, I never thought about it.

"They will probably have to train in wolf form as well as human," she said, continuing. "I got a position to work as one of the teachers. I had the schedule they have given me, which seemed to be—"

"Congratulations," I blurted out, which made Phoebe stop and look at me with a smile.

"Thanks," she whispered. "I knew if you were going to be there, at least you would have another person who would have your back besides Sienna."

I gave her a small smile, but it was a fake one.

Knowing what she meant by that statement alone made it all seem hard again. All the witches here didn't like me, but they never got to know me. Whether they were afraid of my magic, or even my looks, I was still one of them. They should have treated me at least similarly to them, but they never did.

Phoebe stared at me and then looked to the side. "I wonder why that wolf came here," she whispered, moving up to stand. She looked back at me and then held out her hand for me to take. I took it and stood up, but looked toward where the huge wolf left. There was nothing there, not a single person.

"Maybe he was curious about us," she muttered, which made me look at her, confused. Her eyes were on the field, but she let out a sigh and looked back at me. "They haven't come this far near our border line since that night."

I stared at her, not letting the fear and images of that night come back into my head. I couldn't risk it, not with school coming up. I needed to learn to control myself around them, but how?

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" she asked, which made me look at her.

Letting out a sigh, I let my eyes linger on the field while I spoke to her. "I need to learn not to be afraid of them," I said, glancing back at her. Her eyes met mine and softened as I continued. "I don't want to be afraid anymore. I want to go to school and make friends, even if some of them are wolves. I need that, I need this. I haven't felt normal since I got here, other than being the coven's property or something."

Phoebe's face hardened at my words. "The council is to blame for most of what you have been through," she said, turning to face the way we had to go back. "The others only follow suit because that's all they know."

Phoebe looked at me and sighed. "All you have to do is to be yourself," she said with a smile. "Let them see the real you when you start and let them come to you."

That wouldn't happen.

Fur brushed against my legs, which made me look down to see Shadow looking up at us. He let out a bark and moved toward me, licking my head.

Phoebe let out a slight laugh. "You know what?" she said, making me look back at her. "It would be interesting to see what the wolves would be like if he came with you. They would never believe it or even think it could happen."

I said nothing.

"Callie," she said, after we stood there for a short time in silence. "Everything will work itself out. I got your back and you know I will be there for you."

I gave her a slight nod when I looked back at her.

"And as for the wolves," she said, glancing back to the side where the field was. "This will be all known to them too. They had their own grief and issues, and some were aimed at us when it was other people's fault. They are the wolf's fault. They are moving forward with everything that happened years ago, and we have to do the same, even if it hurts us."

Phoebe looked back at me and sighed. "We better go," she said, stepping away, but looking at me before she moved again. "How about we look for some herbs along the way for Ada's potions? She can never have too much. Also, it will give us time to talk, or even be quiet. It is up to you, what we do, but Callie, you are safe with me and Ada. We will do anything for you."

I said nothing but felt my body warm myself up with her words. It calmed me to hear those words. My magic was settled, but she was right. Ada and Phoebe are all I have. If they weren't by my side, I would be alone.

My mother left, and they took me in. There were times I thought she would come back, but now it doesn't seem to bother me. I have my family right here, with Ada, Phoebe, and Shadow. Nothing else matters.

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