Chapter 4

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"Callie, wake up," Aunt Phoebe called from outside my room. "Your training will be starting soon."

Groaning, I open my eyes and look toward the clock on the bedside table—7 a.m.


Why so early?

I move up and sit, looking down at the end of the bed, where a big lump of fur had been sleeping. Grinning, I lean forward and run my fingers through his fur.

Glancing at him, his head moves and one eye opens. I smile. "Morning, Shadow," I murmur as I lean forward and kiss his head. As I move back, the big lump yawns and falls back asleep.

Shadow is a wolf who seems to have taken a liking to this witch. We shared a bond the first night we met. I saved him from rogue werewolves as he protected me till someone came to my rescue.

When my aunt found me and took me back home, Shadow followed. He didn't come in first, not until I was up and walking about.

I moved off the bed and sighed as I walked over to the floor-length mirror to the side. My eyes skimmed over my nightwear until it landed on the scars on my neck. That night, I was scared by the rogue wolf, and he even ran away. But one good thing that came out of it was my friendship and bond with Shadow. He is one protective wolf, and no one will come between us.

I glanced back at the wolf, who was now staring at me. I moved toward and scratched behind his ears, and he groaned in satisfaction as his tongue licked my hand.

I smile as I place another kiss on his head and move toward the bathroom to get ready. I switched on the shower, got out of my night clothes, and went straight in. I quickly washed and rinsed myself off. Climbing out of the shower, I grabbed the towel from the door and headed back into the bedroom when Shadow lifted his head and looked at me.

I quickly get dry and throw on some clothes. Looking back at the mirror, I place my favorite scarf over my scars as I know some of the witches in the coven will make snide remarks.

My eyes bore back—still grey that sparkled in the sunlight.

Ever since my magic came in, my eyes have never changed back to normal. I look hideous. There were some alterations that have happened in the last seven years; every time I used my magic, a few strands of my hair turned purple.

I stare back at the person in the mirror, trying to piece together when I know I am different, but it doesn't help that everyone around here treats me differently. Some of the witches fear me, others don't know what to make of it all, and there are others who like to pick on me.

The only people who have never commented on what's happening to me are my aunt Phoebe and my grandmother, who love me whatever I am. No one can change that—my grandmother's words.

Letting out a sigh, I glance back at the sleeping wolf and frown. "Shadow," I murmur as I walk over to him. His eyes were on me, but there was no movement; it looked like he wanted to stay on my bed. "Don'y you want some food?"

I bend down and grin.

Drools slipped past his mouth, and his eyes bore back into mine as I ruffled his head. "Don't you want some sausages, bacon—" As soon as bacon slipped past my lips, Shadow moved off the bed and stared at me.

I let out a slight laugh as I moved up and walked over to the door. I pulled it open and let the big wolf go downstairs before me. I follow him and head into the kitchen, where Shadow is standing by his bowl and staring at Phoebe, who looks at him and frowns.

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