Chapter 20

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Staring out the window of the pack house, I watched as the others came back from training. Since I am an alpha, I train with my father and grandfather. Just like my brother Zac did. All my training is in the evenings with them, when all the pack members are finishing up. Usually, it would get on my nerves, but my father wanted me to step up, especially now, since my brother wasn't back from his alpha training.

Letting out a sigh, I turned around and looked at my room. There was nothing to do until training. All my friends were doing their own thing, but there was a lot of buzz about the school being opened up to the witches in the nearby town.

Everyone was very about them coming to us, which was to be expected. With what our pack has been throughout the years with witches, leading back to my great grandfather's time, there was always talk about how horrid the witches were. There were rules in place to stay away from the town.

No one dared to go there, not even close to the border that harbors close to it. That was where rogues had attacked many years ago, killing witches and wolves that got in the way. There was a time when they worked together, but it all changed that night.

All pack members, young and old, had their own version of events, even my brother. That night was hard even for me, well for both of us, as we lost our mother that night and my father lost his mate. Heartache was the one focus on us all when she was gone since she was the one who held us together.

Zac became more determined to be better than any other alpha before, even our father. He never talks about the witches and always avoids going near them.

Over the years, I had to learn to be an alpha's son instead of my mother's baby. I had to have grown up and that I did. I was the anchor my father needed to help and teach, even with Zac. They both made sure I knew what to do, or even expect.

A loud yawn flooded my head, which made me look back at my wolf—Mac. He stared back and rolled his eyes. "Waiting too long," he grunted, not liking to wait to try.

"I know," I muttered, knowing how he felt.

Looking back around my room, knowing my best friend Landon was going to be busy, there was only one thing we could do, and I knew Mac would love it. "Do you want to go for a run?" I blurt out, making him move up when I look back at him.

He frowned.

"What if we are training in my form?" he grunted as he arched his eyes up at me. "Pap always does it when he knows we have been for a run. He always wants me tired."

I let out a low chuckle, which only seemed to annoy him more, but I didn't care. "He might," I said but grinned. "But we are an alpha's son. We have to be able to do whatever he throws at us."

Mac said nothing but stared.

Looking back, I moved toward the door and headed down the stairs to the pack house. Knowing I had over an hour before I had to be by the training grounds, I walked down the steps of the pack house and turned toward the forest. I stripped out of my clothes when Mac let out a sigh. "Okay," he muttered. "Run. But not too far, and I'm not running fast."

I said nothing. I didn't care what he did. All I needed was to get out of the house for a moment. School will be starting soon for all werewolves, but the witches had another week before they joined. I know they were sorting out some of their witches who would teach and train them while we did our own stuff.

Training was a must with us, so my father and grandfather thought they would be one of four subjects everyone had to do, including the omegas. They did training, but it was basic. They needed to do more. I know they were on about making the witches do the same, since we never know when rogues or hunters would attack us again. We had to be ready, and so did they.

I felt myself being pushed back as Mac took over and shifted into his form. He shook out his fur and trotted off into the forest. I moved closer to look at where he was going. Most of the time we went for a run, we usually went on the other side. But this time, Mac was going in a different direction, which made me wonder what was going on with him.

"Where the hell are we going?" I asked, but all I could hear was a low grunt.

"Going somewhere different," he murmured and kept walking. I said nothing but watched.

After a few moments, I realized where we were heading and a sense of shock engulfed me. "Mac," I called out. "You know we are not allowed to be on this side. What if—"

Mac grunted again.

"Pussy," he muttered, which only made me frown. "No, I'm not."

Mac said nothing, but knowing his stupidity he would be smirking.

We were heading toward the area where the witches lived. Part of me was curious to know what they were like. It had been so long since we had seen any witch, which was mainly because of the rules. Once they were at school, the rules would change, my father told me, but it would be a probationary thing till we knew we could trust them.

"I'm curious," Mac blurted out, which made me pull back from his own thoughts to listen to him as he continued. "Curious to know if any of them are close by, wondering about us. Do you think like that?"

Not until you put it in my head, I pondered. That was a thought. Did they have people patrolling the grounds like we do? No guard has ventured to this area unless there was some sort of need.

Mac stopped and sniffed the area but crouched down into some bushes. "Someone is over there," he murmured. "Witch."

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