Chapter 24

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Watching the wolves leave from the window, I could hear commotion behind me and muffled voices.

My grandmother and Phoebe had words that were nothing new to me.

I kept my eyes on the retreating wolves, wondering how the hell they knew rogues had come into our town. Saying that the rogues haven't shown their faces since the attack seven years ago.

My hand moved to the scars on my neck. I always did this when I went back there.

Something nudged my leg, which made me drop my hand. I looked down to see Storm staring up at me. Moving my hand to his head, I stroked him when a knock at the door came.

I knew who it was—the council members.

What the hell did they want?

I heard someone coming and looked over to see Phoebe walking over to the front door. She looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile before she opened the door. My eyes went to the kitchen to find my grandmother stepping into the room just as the council members walked inside.

My stomach churned, wondering what they were about to say.

Half of my mind wondered if they would stop me from attending school now, especially since I had revealed some of my power. Scaring the wolves was one thing, but I needed to learn more fighting skills with my magic to improve.

Claude has shown me some moves, but not what I needed earlier.

"Callie," a man's voice said, which brought me back from my racing thoughts. I looked at the council member. They softened when I met his eyes, which was a new thing for me coming from these people. "I want to be the first to thank you for what you did out there," he said with a smile.

I gave him a brief nod but said nothing. I was too afraid to speak.

"I know you are wondering what will happen now since they have learned about you," he said, which made a few people behind him tense.

Nodding again, my eyes skimmed over the people in the house with us. Everyone looked thankful, but there were some conflicted ones, too. Some still didn't know what to make of me. This was my life every day. I shouldn't have thought any differently.

"Well, I believe you should—" the man started, but a woman pushed him out of the way, glaring at me. She will kill them," she said, looking at everyone and then back at me.

Ada approached me and placed her hand in mine, squeezing me. I didn't even bother to look at her, knowing she could sense my mood.

I was calm, but there was a faint of anger lingering nearby. The way this woman was acting had my back up, and this was something I was used to being around these damn people. But it was the way she was saying her words. She would rather have me here like an animal to be a pawn in whatever they wanted. I was good enough to kill their enemies but not good enough to be around my own kind. Where's the logic in that?

The woman stared at the others; some nodded with her, but most glared at her. She opened her mouth to speak again, but someone else beat her to it. "Enough, Annalise," another woman said, stepping toward with a frown. "I don't know what you are doing here. You are not a council member yet, only a secretary. Back off and let us decide what is safe for our children."

Annalise glared at her and even looked like she had steam coming from her ears, but she never uttered a word back to the woman.

The woman stepped closer to Annalise and sighed. "Get out of the house," she said sternly. "This doesn't require your presence here."

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