Chapter 12

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The TV's light flickered, making me look over to Phoebe. We were sitting on the couch with Storm in between us. She was leaning on her hand and sleeping. My eyes moved to the clock on the wall—eleven p.m.

There was still no sign of my grandmother. My mind was racing over what happened and why she had been gone so long.

I felt something move, which made me look down, and I spotted Storm looking up at me. I placed my hand in his fur and gave him a smooth. Placing my finger to my lips, I looked up, making sure Phoebe was asleep. When I slowly moved from him, Storm moved, making me stare at him and shake my head. "No," I whispered. "I need something to drink."

Storm stares at me, moving his head to the side. He has never been this clingy with me before. I move away, glancing at Phoebe, who is still asleep.

I walk into the kitchen and head to the fridge, but the hairs on my neck stand up. I looked over my shoulder and straight toward the window, but no one was there. A shiver rippled through me, which made my magic ripple through.

Someone was watching, but it was hard to work out where. I have been feeling like this more lately, but I placed it down to the normal things, such as the witches trying to figure out if I was a threat. You believe they would have decided by now, but it was hard to pinpoint what was true.

A loud crash came from outside, which made me dart back to the window. Moving slowly, I stopped and looked out, but it was darkness. I heard a patter of feet, indicating Storm was now close. Looking over my shoulder, I spotted his head sticking through the door. His eyes met mine. "It was nothing," I murmured, but another crash from outside made me move into the kitchen and let off a low growl.

My eyes went to him; his main focus was the window. Now, I was convinced that someone was outside.

Moving toward the back door with Storm walking beside me, I opened it and stepped out. The back entrance was onto the forest. We were the last house on this block and closer to the pack's border. No one has been there since my accident. We were told to avoid it at all costs.

My eyes scanned around, but there was nothing there.

A slight breeze blew, sending goosebumps to appear over my arms. I wrapped my arms around my waist and stepped out of the door. I felt Storm move and stop by the side of me.

A low growl escaped him, which made me look down at him. He bared his teeth with a growl, his eyes focused on the forest. My eyes looked to where he was looking, but there was still nothing.

I move my hands from my waist and let them fall to the side. My eyes never left where Storm was staring, and his growls grew louder. My magic flared up, coating my hands with purple flame. I looked around, feeling my fear get the better of me. I knew I shouldn't show my magic unless it There was another witch, but I couldn't feel anything. It is like a block, or something is up, making me think

it is something else, but what?

"Anyone out there?" I called, looking along the forest line. No one spoke, no sounds. "Whose there?" I called again, taking another step closer.

There was nothing but silence.

How the hell was there silence? There would be birds or owls even at this time of night. But there was nothing, not even the sounds of the crickets. It was silence.

I move closer again, only to hear something behind me. "Callie," Phoebe said, stepping out. "What are you doing out here?"

I kept my eyes on the forest again but looked over my shoulder to her. "I think someone is out there," I said, motioning to the forest. "There is no noise, nothing. But there is something or someone. Even Storm can sense them."

Storm growled, letting Phoebe know he could sense whatever it was. Phoebe stepped closer and stopped next to us. Her eyes went to the forest and looked around, but a shiver rippled over me, making my magic burn brighter. "Callie," Phoebe said, sounding slightly stunned." Why are you—"

"I don't know," I said. "Something has my magic on edge. I can't explain it."

My eyes moved to Phoebe, who looked concerned. "You need to get inside," she said, looking around and back at me. "Now. Grandmother Ada won't be here for another hour. She told me to tell you not to wait up for her. She will tell you everything in the morning."

I stared at her for a moment but looked toward the forest line. I knew she was lying. I could sense it. But that was all I was feeling, nothing else. Something was out in the forest, but what?

Could it be the wolves from the pack? They could be trying to suss us out, or was it something else?

"Callie," Phoebe called, making me look at her. "You and Storm go inside. I will let the council members know that there may be someone outside. They will send someone into the forest to check it out."

I said nothing but let out a sigh. I walked away and headed to the back door again, but a breeze rippled over me when I approached the rear entrance to the house and stopped. I looked over my shoulder and watched Phoebe stare out at the forest.

Storm let out another growl, but Phoebe and I never moved. Whoever it was, it was different.

After a few moments, Phoebe moved and turned to face me, only to be startled to see me looking at the forest. "Callie," she said. "Inside now."

I said nothing but walked back inside with Storm was hot on my heels. I walked back into the kitchen and headed to the fridge. I opened it and pulled out a bottle of water. I was thirsty. I heard the door close behind me, which made me turn to see Phoebe look out the window. Her eyes were focused on the forest.

Without saying anything, I walked away and opened the door. Glancing down at Storm to see if he was following, which he was. I looked back up to her. She didn't bother to look around at me.

Walking through the door, I headed to the stairs and went up them. Storm followed me. We headed to my room and walked inside. I closed the door behind me and walked over to the window. Stopping, I looked outside and searched the forest line until my eyes landed on a shadow not too far from where I was looking outside.

What the hell was that?

Scrunching up my eyes, I moved closer, but it was hard to focus on what it was. I stared at it until I saw two yellow dots looking at me. My heart raced while my eyes stayed focused on whatever it was.

After a few seconds, the two yellow dots were gone. Like it went up in a puff of smoke, but what the hell was it? Was it a witch? Or werewolf? It was hard to figure out what it was, let alone look like, from where I stood.

I felt fur brush up behind my legs, which made me look down at Storm, who moved his head to the side. I knelt down and smoothed him. His head nuzzled into my head, which made me smile.

"Stay on my bed tonight," I said, looking up at the window. "Whatever it was, it scared me, but I know you will have my back."

Storm came closer and licked my face, which only made me grown. "Great," I muttered. "Dog slobber."

Tonight, I knew Storm was the only one with my back around here, but something had my magic rippling through me like a tidal wave. It is hard to explain, but I know something is bound to happen, and it may involve me. I just wish I knew what the hell I was feeling to make my magic act this way.

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