Chapter 5

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Breakfast was done, and we all got ready to leave for the council meeting.

I was dreading it.

The council members were the ones who decided if it was best for Aunt Phoebe to home school me and for me to even stay within the coven.

When Aunt Phoebe started to home school me, they gave me a trainer to help me with my magic, but as Phoebe said a few moments ago. No one knows how to help me with my magic.

Shaking all my thoughts away, we left the house once everyone placed their coats on. My grandmother was first, then Phoebe and me, and lastly, Shadow.

Once we were outside, I felt eyes on me. My eyes went to the ground as we all left. There were always eyes on me. Even if I didn't see them, I knew it was the others from this coven. Some of the girls my age were horrible, except Sienna. She would stick up for me if I were in trouble, but part of me thought it was mainly because she was told to look after me no matter what. I didn't know if she was a true friend or not. Even if it had been seven years of her being there for me, I still didn't know if she was. It was hard to figure out.

We walked along the road and headed into the little town we had. It didn't take us long to get to the council building, which is right in the dead center of the town.

As I climbed the steps, a few murmurs came from the side, which made me look up. A few people were staring, but one man shook his head. "He's not allowed in there," he grumbled, pointing toward Shadow.

Shadow stayed close by me, never leaving my side. I looked down at him and met his eyes. I placed my hand on his head and gave him a smooth.

"He's a big softie," my grandmother muttered.

The man grunted and opened the door, letting us all in. Shadow followed in, and we all headed down a big corridor till we stood outside the meeting room, where everything to do with the coven was held.

My grandmother knocked on the door, and after a few seconds, Annalise opened the door. She gave us a nod, and we all walked in.

My eyes went to the table at the top of the hall as we headed inside, where all eight council coven members were waiting. All their eyes went to me as I moved close. These eight people control the coven and are the ones to have the final say in anything that happens.

"The wolf doesn't need to be here," Darla spoke as I stood in the center for all to see. The only better thing was that it was only the council members and not the whole coven; then, it would have been embarrassing.

"Shadow is to stay," I said, making them all look at me. "He never does anything wrong. He is my friend and will not harm anyone here."

"How can we go off your word?" another shouted, making me clench my fists. I hated the way they spoke about Shadow.

A hand goes to mine, making me look to see Phoebe smiling at me. Her eyes went to the council members as her smile dropped and her face hardened. "We are not here to discuss the wolf," she said. "We are here to discuss the school and whether Callie should attend with the other supernaturals."

No one said anything, as I felt movement to the other side of me. My eyes went to my grandmother, who was staring at the members. "What have you decided?" she asked. "Is she to go, or should we continue homeschooling her?"

"We haven't decided," Darla shouted, looking at them and then at me. "We wanted to know what Callie would like to do."

I stared at her, dumbfounded.

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