Chapter 3

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As on cue, the burning sensation that has been in my body comes up to the surface and engulfs my hands with the purple flame.

Everyone is in shock.

The shock would be an understatement if you could see my Aunt Phoebe and my grandmother literally take a few steps back while my mum comes running over to me and holds my arms. "Callie, you need to calm down, close your eyes, and take deep breaths in and out."

I close my eyes, and I can hear my mum doing the same thing with her breathing as me till the purple flames go.

I open my eyes and stare at my mum, who is smiling at me. "It's okay, Callie; Aunt Phoebe will show you to your room while I explain everything to your grandmother."

I look at Aunt Phoebe, who is looking at me, smiling. "Come, Callie, I will show you to your room; well, it's your mum's old room. It hasn't been changed since she left," she says while looking back at her sister and mother, who have been staring at me.

Aunt Phoebe walks up to me and places her arms around my shoulder, guiding me up the stairs to the first floor of the house. The halls look like a creepy house from a horror film I used to watch.

Phoebe opens the first door on the right and shows me in.

The room is big and has a double bed in the middle of the room. The room is all in purple. How ironic, really, with my magic and hair. There was a wardrobe on one side and a desk on the other side.

Around the room, I could see photos and trophies; they must have been Mum if this was her room. Phoebe walks in and shows me another door that leads to an ensuite bathroom which has a decent size shower.

I look around the room and look at my auntie, who is looking on, smiling at me. "This will be your room, Callie," she says.

Worry floods me. I couldn't help but blurt out my question.

"Aunt Phoebe, what's happening to me? I'm scared," I say to her.

Phoebe looks at me with something in her eyes that I never recognized before. "Callie, you are safe. We will explain everything to you when you have rested. You must rest. I will make some herbal tea to calm your nerves and eat some food. You must be starving," she says.

The mere mention of food makes my stomach growl loudly. I haven't eaten anything since we left in a hurry yesterday.

"Food would be great, thank you," I say as I give her a weak smile.

Phoebe nods her head and leaves me in my new room.

I put my bag on the bed and looked around.

I knew what I wanted to do first, and that was to take a hot shower.

I walk into the bathroom and instantly fall in love with this bathroom; there is a big purple towel hanging up and some herbal shampoo and shower gels on the side. I turn on the shower and run it until it gets warm.

I look at the mirror behind me. I am in complete shock. My eyes are still grey. My hair looks like a punk rocker with purple streaks in my hair. My face is blotchy because of crying most of the day, and I have the biggest black bags under my eyes you have ever seen. I think I need to sleep.

I take off my clothes and climb into the shower. I let the warm water run over me and let the heat help with my muscles, which I now notice are achy because of being in the car all that time. I wash my hair and my body.

After what seemed like half an hour, I climbed out and switched the shower off. I wrap the big purple towel around me and squeeze my hair out. I walk out of the bathroom and head back into the bedroom.

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