Chapter 15

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Watching Ada leave, I looked at the others preparing to leave. They were murmuring about the whole situation with Callie. They didn't want her to attend the school.

The poor girl has been a prisoner amongst the coven since she arrived here seven years ago. All the fuss was due to her magic. We have never seen it before, not in a few centuries when the last witch who had something similar vanished. We searched for her but ended with no luck.

Seven years ago, Callie was dropped off here by her mother, who seemed to disappear shortly after arriving. We have had people searching for her too, but she has always been one step ahead of us. We hate not knowing what our enemies or past coven members are doing. They may attack or even side with people who want to destroy us.

This council was built on protecting our kind, but sometimes, even those with more say feared what was happening.

"Do you think it's a good idea for Callie to join the others in school?" Gilda asked, making me look at her. "They don't really know her, and then there are the werewolves. What if they—"

"I think she deserves to go," I said, cutting her off. Her eyes widened slightly while I continued. "Like Ada said, she has done everything we have asked of her. If there is any problem, I am sure Ada and Phoebe will notify us."

Moving away from Gilda, I pulled on my coat and looked around until my eyes landed on Annalise, who looked like she wanted to kill me. That damn brat thinks she has a say in what happens around here due to her father. She is surely mistaken. We don't need a cunning witch like her who only what's best for herself. That was my job.

I watched her while she spoke to Maddox and Mary before they departed. Annalise looked at me but spun around, flicking her hair behind her back. I rolled my eyes. I hated spoiled little girls. She needed to be dealt with soon.

Shaking my thoughts away, I looked around and spotted Coral, Ada's friend. I knew of their friendship only since I kept an eye on her and her family over the years. I walked over to her while she was placing her coat on. "Do you think we made the best decision about Callie?" I murmured when the last council member left and closed the door behind them.

Coral looked up and nodded. "Yeah," she said. "Callie deserves to be let loose. She hasn't had any problems, and she needs to meet new people."

Coral smiled.

"I'm happy that you agree," she said. "Callie is a good kid and deserves to be one after being hidden for years."

I said nothing.

"Well," Coral said, grabbing her bag and placing it on her shoulder. Her eyes stayed on me. "I best go home. I have a few things to do in the house before a nice warm bath."

I gave her a nod and looked to the side door. "Are you heading home?" she asked, making me look at her. "I couldn't help but notice that you have been staying here later than the others."

I stared at her before I spoke. "I have been making sure all the paperwork has been filed away and dealt with," I said, rolling my eyes. "Someone has to double-check Annalise's work. She seems to be in her own little world lately."

Coral laughed, placing her hand on her mouth to stop herself. "She does, doesn't she?" she said, after calming down. I smiled.

"Her father used to do it," she murmured but sighed. "He never knew how to file away. It was hard to find anything, especially the finances."

"Well, his daughter is no better," I said, looking to the side and smiling. "Well, you better head off. Tomorrow will be a long day for all parents when it gets out about the joining of the schools coming together with the pack and with Callie joining them."

"I know," she said with a smile. "All the kids seemed to be excited. I think it's the parents that are worried." I said nothing.

After saying our goodbyes, Coral left the council hall. I waited till she closed the door behind her, before letting out the breath I was holding.

I hate being nice to all these people who seem to be all up their own asses.

Moving away and heading to the side entrance, I opened the door and went through it. I headed down to the steps of the corridor. It was dark, but flicking my fingers together, a flame appeared. Using my finger as a touch, I headed through the corridor till I came to a door that led straight into the forest.

I stepped outside until I saw him.

The corners of my lips curled up into a smirk when he stepped out of the forest and walked toward me. "She is home," he growled, placing his hand on my waist when he got to me. He pulled me to him and leaned into my neck. "But she wasn't alone, though."

Thinking it may be Phoebe, I let it slide until he continued, which made me tense. "It wasn't the one who lives with her," he muttered, pulling back and staring at me. "Do you know who she is?"

I stare at him. There was only one person who could be, but it couldn't. My spy didn't tell me that she left. Why would she be back? She was following the hunters and trying to locate that damn man.

Hunters have been scarce for years and have stayed away from us here, so for her to be here is a little concerning.

"Darla," he murmured, pulling me from my thoughts. I locked eyes with him and sighed. Knowing we can't be seen together, not now. I pulled back from him, which only made him frown.

Damn, the wolf needs to be tamed or muzzled.

"Was that woman followed by hunters?" I asked, making him cock his head to the side. He stared at me for a moment until he shook his head. "No," he said. "She didn't stay too long."

That was a good start. We don't need hunters messing up with our plan.

"Good," I said, looking around until I met his eyes again. "Now that the meeting has ended, our plan to have that girl in the school is accomplished. All we need to do now is make her fall out with people, especially people that she cares about."

He looked at me and sighed. "She has no one," he muttered. "That damn coven made sure of that." I grinned.

"We do have at least two people we can mess about it," I said, smiling. "Her guardian, Sienna, and her aunt, Phoebe, to begin with. When she starts school, it will be plain sailing. No one will want to bother with her, especially when I spread some lovely comments about her."

He said nothing, which made me frown.

"Cesar," I murmured, placing my hand in his. "This will work. Once the dark witch is freed, we can take avenge on all those who wronged you and her, starting with these fools."

The corners of Cesar's lips curled up into a grin. "Oh, how the tables have turned," he muttered. "Who would have thought that a witch would turn on her own kind."

"Well, I have my reasons," I muttered, which he will never learn.

I had my own reasons for freeing the dark witch.

Looking around, I knew he had to leave. "Go back to the motel," I whispered. "Make sure you gather some rogues for the one part of our plan."

Cesar nodded, but looked at me. "And the girl?" he asked. "Do you think she will know? I felt her magic. It is rarely its ugly head."

I stared at him and smiled.

Oh, I know. All of the coven can feel it, but no one knows what she is capable of, and when I tell her I know more about her power, there will be no stopping me, not even her pathetic grandmother. By the time she finds out, it will be too late.

Cesar kisses my cheek and leaves, but I head back inside to do my own thing. It won't be long, sister; you will be released soon, and we will have your vengeance.

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