Chapter 10

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The journey back to the coven was silent again.

Wolves don't like talking to others. They think they are above everyone else.

My mind raced over what the alpha mentioned about the school. It would be a good opportunity for all the young witches to interact with other supernaturals.

An image of Callie came to mind, and my head broke. I know I had to convince the council members that she was no threat to the wolves.

Callie's magic was rare. She followed after one of our ancestors. The legend goes whoever possesses the magic will have to face an uncertain evil. My stomach sank. The child deserves to be normal for once, especially since being here.

Callie didn't deserve this. She was a witch just like the others her age, but due to her appearance. Her eyes and hair are a different color, not to mention the scars she bears due to an attack not long after she arrives here.

I had my work cut out for me when convincing them. It would be like the day she arrived.

When her mother left, I had to announce Callie to the council members, but that didn't go as planned. Some nosy neighbor reported strange ongoings in my home the first night Callie arrived. When Callie managed to fall asleep, I made Phoebe watch over her. My daughter knows what these people are like to our family, and we both agreed that no one would ever go alone to a meeting. But I knew I had to

go alone to talk to the council to tell them about her. When I arrived, their plans were all set in stone, and I had to agree or be thrown out of the coven. That memory changed our lives for the better, or so it seemed at the time.


"She is an abomination," Albert grunted, staring at me with fear. "She shouldn't stay here. She will bring the whole world down with her and us."

Anger swirled inside me while they talked their nonsense. "She is just a child," I gritted out. "She is only ten. We can help with her magic, and we can even learn of how she possesses it."

"We don't agree," Gilda murmured. "She may be a child to you, but we don't know anything about her. All we know is what you told us, and we have to take your word for it."

Clenching my hand into a fist, I glare back at all the council members. "Yeah, you do," I said. "She is my grandchild, and what her mother has done shouldn't bear on her. She is nothing like her."

"Where is your daughter?" Maddox asked, glaring at me. "She knew she wasn't meant—" "She left," I said, cutting him off. "She knew it would cause more problems after what her ex did."

"How do you know they are not together?" Darla asked, looking concerned. "What if he followed her here?"

"She wasn't followed," I said, sounding confident. He wouldn't show his face here, not after the warning Phoebe and I placed on him. He would die a horrible death, worse than fate. "Her father left as soon as he knew what his daughter was. He tried to hide my daughter from us, even her magic, and went as far as to spell her. He used everything that he was against against her."

No one spoke. Stepping toward them, and I noticed Butch move and shake his head. He was their bodyguard. No one came in here and threatened the council members. We all knew it would be getting a punishment.

My eyes scanned the row of tables where the council members were sitting. "Council members," I said, looking between them. "Callie will be under my guidance, not her mother's. Her mother won't come back. She knows not to. I will also keep that from my granddaughter to ensure she doesn't leave the coven. As for her magic, I can only ask that we take her in and look after her. That is what this coven used to stand for years ago."

I stopped and looked at them. I knew they were listening, and I continued. "Phoebe will homeschool Callie," I said, thinking on the spot. "She will have no contact with the other witches here unless you say otherwise."

I needed them to agree to this, or there would be a battle that might see my family being banished from the coven. Part of me thinks we should, but why should I leave my home for some people who are not willing to trust others who are different from them?

"Phoebe will do this?" Albert asked, looking at me. "She is willing to give up her job at the school to look after her with you."

"Yes," I said, knowing Phoebe would. We discussed this before the call came. She wanted to keep her niece safe, even if it meant her leaving her job. Callie was our responsibility now.

June, her sister, fell in love, and he was meant to be her mate. We had no say in what happened between them or where they lived. We didn't learn that he was a hunter until it was too late, and I had lost my daughter and granddaughter altogether.

"Okay," Albert said. "If Phoebe is willing to give her position, I can place my granddaughter there. Annalise will make an excellent teacher for the school."

The corners of his lips curled up into a smirk, his eyes on me. He has been pushing someone out of the school for his granddaughter to get a position, and I have given him the chance to do that by having Phoebe give it all up.

"What about training her?" Darla said, making me look at her. "She will need a trainer."

Crap, I forgot about that. Who would help Callie? It would have to be someone that the family could trust.

"I will do it," Claude's voice echoed around the hall. I looked over my shoulder and saw Phoebe's old friend look at me with a smile. "I will train her. I can try to help her master her magic."

Everyone nodded except Albert. He seemed to be angry about it, but Darla spoke again. "I think we will see how this goes for a month and check back here with the child to see how she is. Maybe we can see what she can do."

I stared at her, not saying anything. It was an odd request, but I had to obey them. "Sure," I said. 


"Excuse me," the driver called, pulling me back from my thoughts. I looked at him and was met with a grim look. "We are here. No offense to you, but I want to leave in one piece."

Looking around, we were packed outside the council building. I opened the door and climbed out of the car without saying anything to the wolf. I closed the door.

As soon as the door closed, the engine started back up, and drove away without looking back.

My eyes went to the building, and I sighed. I placed my hand into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I sent Phoebe a quick message. "I'm back," I typed. "I have to tell the council members what they need to know. I may be late back, so don't wait for me. Make sure Callie is asleep when I get back, and we can talk."

I sent the message and started up the steps to the big doors.

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