Chapter 6

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I watch as my girls leave the meeting room.

Phoebe stopped and looked back inside, but Annalise closed the door on her.

I frowned as I turned back to the council members, who were now staring at me. "Why am I here?" I asked, looking between them as Annalise moved to the side and leaned on the wall.

Darla stood up as the man behind her came to her, handing her a folder. "Come here," she said, motioning me to come to the table.

I walked over and stood in front of her. She handed me the folder and nodded. "Look inside," she said.

I opened it and looked at the document in it. My eyebrows furrowed together as I looked up and stared at her. "You already took a look at the school," I muttered. "Why didn't you just tell Phoebe and Callie this."

Darla shook her head and leaned back in her chair. "Read the document," she said. "And I will explain it all."

Closing the folder, I looked at her. "Why don't you just tell me?" I asked, glaring at her. I hated being taken for a fool.

Darla nodded and opened her mouth. "We, like your daughter, found it odd that the school had opened up," she said. "And why the werewolf pack close by would be going there too."

Her eyes lingered on me for a moment, and she sighed. "They are the ones who are running the school," she said.

My eyes widened. "Why?" I mumbled as I opened the folder again and took in what was on the document as she continued. "They want to make it safe for all supernaturals. The Alpha wants to meet with someone from the coven to go over the details."

I looked up and frowned.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked. "It would have to be one of you to go, not me."

Darla stared at me, her eyes searching my face for something. My eyes went to the others. They all looked back at me. I looked back at her and frowned. "What aren't you telling me?" I asked.

Darla sighed and leaned forward, staring at me. "The alpha doesn't want to speak to any council members," she said, moving her head to the side.

My stomach drops. No, please, not me.

"He asked for you specifically," she said as I closed my eyes.

Hell no.

I took a deep breath in and opened my eyes. They landed back on her as she spoke again. She leaned back into her chair as the man behind her came to my side and took the folder away from my hands. I let my hands drop to the sides and stared at her.

"Why would he ask for you?" she asked, moving to the side.

I said nothing as I let her words sink in. The alpha wanted to see me. I knew him, and there was a reason why I shouldn't go there. It would be too painful for me to go.

Clearing my throat, I looked at her and moved my eyes along the rest of them as I spoke. "I don't know," I said. "His son saved Callie when she was attacked a few days after she came here. Maybe he wants to reconnect or go over the old days."

My heart was praying the last part wasn't true. I don't think I can deal with that. Darla stared at me and looked unconvinced.

No one in this coven knows my past. I came here when my girls were older and settled into life here. Phoebe stayed with me while her sister left. I never thought I would see her again until she turned up on my doorstep with my granddaughter. Before, when it was the three of us, and now, I kept myself hidden away. Not using magic, only using herbs and weeds to make potions. I left the magic to Phoebe and Callie.

Darla let out a sigh and stood up. My eyes stayed on her and watched when she moved around the table till she stood before me. "Ada," she asked. "We know how you know the alpha. We just want to know why he would ask for you."

I stared at her and shrugged.

"I don't know," I said, keeping my emotions in check.

"Maybe he trusts her," Annalise says from behind her. "I mean, as she said, his son saved Callie that night. Maybe he wants to catch up."

I stilled.

"Might be," Darla murmured, keeping her eyes on me.

There was an awkward silence in the air as all eyes were on me. Darla moved back and sat on the table. "You will go to the pack," she said. "Today."

My eyes widened as my heart sank more.

"You will find out what the hell this alpha is playing at," she said. "And why he would suggest such a thing about placing all supernaturals together."

Darla folded her arms and continued. "We want more information about this place before we agree to send our coven there, and that includes your granddaughter, too."

I gave her a nod but said nothing.

Darla stared at me and unfolded her arms as she got up, with a small smile appearing on her lips. "You will leave now. The alpha has sent a car for you," she said. "And will come back here when you are done to tell us everything and what he has told you."

I stared at her. "And what am I to tell Phoebe and Callie where I am going," I asked. "They will need to want to know."

"I will let Claude know what to tell them," she said as she walked around the table and sat behind it. "He is training Callie today."

I gave her a nod.

"Is that all?" I asked, looking between Darla and each council member. They all nod, except for Darla, who did nothing. Her eyes stayed on me for far too long.

"I will be heading to the pack then," I muttered, turning on my heel and heading toward the door.

I never looked back at them as I opened the door and walked straight out of the building. At the bottom of the steps was a car waiting with a driver. His eyes met mine as I slowed down as I walked down the steps.

There was no need to rush.

As I got to the bottom, I opened the back door and slid in, closing the door behind me.

My eyes went to the driver as he stared at me. I watched his face go blank momentarily, making me glare at him.

After a few seconds, he looked at me and nodded.

"The alpha is expecting you," he mumbled.

"Well, shall we get going," I said. "Don't want to keep the lordship waiting, do we?"

The driver's eyes widen at my remark, but I don't care. The damn fool knew not to do this. We agreed when I realized he was running the pack when Callie arrived.

There were talks about a wolf pack expanding, but I didn't put two and two together until it was too late to do anything. I couldn't leave as it would cause suspicion with the coven members if I took my family and left.

The driver starts the engine and drives away, heading towards the gates of the coven.

My heart spiked as we drove past the gates and headed from the coven. I knew we had an hour to go the long way around in cars to get to the pack.

Leaning back in the seat, I rested my head on the rest behind me. I let my mind clear, even though it was hard to. I needed to try and hope it would give me time to settle my nerves before I saw him again.

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