Chapter 19

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After the shower, I returned to my room and dried quickly. I picked my outfit out and placed them on—leggings and a T-shirt with some sneakers.

Somehow, I had a funny feeling that Claude would be here later, especially when word got out about me going to school with everyone. He wanted what was best for me and even engaged in a few fights with the council members to have me placed with kids my age, but they always denied it.

After getting dressed, I headed downstairs to find my grandmother, Phoebe, and Storm in the kitchen. I stepped inside and went to my seat to sit down. Just as my butt touched the chair, a plate of pancakes was in front of me with a glass of orange juice. I looked up to see Phoebe smiling down at me.

I smiled just as my grandmother cursed under her breath, which made us both look at her. My grandmother rarely curses.

My grandmother looked at us, and her face softened. "Callie," she said with the same tone she always gave me when I couldn't do what I wanted. "I'm sorry," she said, glancing toward Phoebe and then back at me. "I mentioned to Coral and Darla that I was taking you to the town to get some supplies for school, and they told me you couldn't go."

I hated it when the coven did this to me.

"Did they give you a reason?" Phoebe demanded, who seemed more pissed off than me. I felt a nudge of something soft on my leg and looked down to see Storm near. He brushed his head against my head. I am sure he knows how I feel, and right now, I don't know whether I am angry or sad.

My magic flared slightly, which made me close my eyes. Taking a few deep breaths until I felt calmer, I opened it to find everyone looking at me with concern. "Callie," my grandmother whispered, but I looked at my pancakes.

My appetite disappeared, and I was no longer happy or hungry. I needed to get out of here. I pushed back on the chair, but Phoebe placed her hand on my hand to stop me. "Callie," she said, making me look at her. Her eyes searched mine, but it was my grandmother who spoke instead.

"We can feel your magic flare up," she said, making me look at her with a blank look. What did she mean? She could feel it?

"Callie, you need to—" my grandmother said.

"I'm going for a walk," I muttered, moving away from Phoebe and walking toward the kitchen door.

"Callie," Phoebe called. "Please don't—"

"Don't what?" I asked, spinning around and staring at her. My magic flared up slightly, but I clenched my hands into fists while I continued. "Don't show myself. I got that part."

Anger swirled around me as I turned back around and headed out of the kitchen. I walked straight to the front door and headed outside.

Without looking back, I walked out, not bothering to close the door behind me. I took down the steps and turned left. While I walked, I felt eyes on me, which made my magic flare more. Without looking, I took off into a jog and went into the forest.

Knowing someone was there watching me last night didn't faze me. It could have been a witch from the coven coming to check I wasn't doing anything I shouldn't have. I had that over the years.

Jogging into the forest, I slowed myself down and walked slowly. There was so much to see where we lived, especially since we were at the end of the town. Forest covered us all over our little town, covering us from dangers if there were any.

The coven wasn't exactly friendly to our wolves' friends; otherwise, they wouldn't have gotten to all these lengths to do what they did to get us to join them in school.

I kept walking when I heard a snap coming from behind me, but I knew who it was. He was never far behind me—Storm.

Looking over my shoulder, I spotted him. He stopped when he caught my eyes, which made me stop. I turned around and looked at him with a frown. "Come on," I said, motioning him to follow me further into the forest. "We might as well walk all the way around. There are some berries I can eat there, and you can have a play with some rabbits."

Storm huffed but walked toward me. He followed in step with me when I walked again. There was no use in sending him back. He would never leave. He had no family, as far as I could tell.

We both saved each other a few days apart. I saved him from a wired fence. He was alone, with no mother wolf around. I got him free and even helped with his wounds. I knew he wasn't a werewolf since I never believed one would lick your face when it wanted to thank you. It would be a human and tell you.

Not long after I saved him, he saved me. After I was attacked by a bigger wolf, werewolf kind, I was more or less gasping for her. But Storm was the one who got Phoebe to me. I know if he didn't, I wouldn't be here now. He stayed with me after that, never leaving my side till this day.

We walked further until I spotted the branches with red berries. I knew these were safe for me. Phoebe told me. When I came here, she showed me around the close parts of the forest where she and my grandmother would come for herbs. When we stumbled across these berries, she told me I could eat them whenever I got lost.

I always knew the way and never got lost, but whenever I needed to clear my head, I always came this way and could always count on eating something before returning home.

Stepping toward the bush, I sat beside some and picked some berries. I placed them in my lap. My eyes moved up to see what Storm was doing, and true to form, he had found a rabbit. I watched as he toyed with the little thing and chased it until it entered its burrow.

Storm sniffed and huffed when he realized the rabbit was in there until he was gone. He looked over at me, which only made me smirk. I ate some berries while he walked over to me.

With a sigh, I stared at my hands and clenched my fists until a purple flame appeared. I would never hurt anyone with my magic. I never wanted to do that, but the flame looked sparkly and bright.

Shaking my hand, the flame disappeared, but my emotions were everywhere. I wanted to be normal, like every other witch in this damn coven. I wanted to go to school and make friends.

The council placed boundaries in place for me, and I know there was something they never told me. I always felt like a hidden weapon or something they were ashamed of. I hated feeling alone. It was the worst when you knew you had a few people and even a wolf that was around but still felt like there was nobody who wanted me for me.

Placing another berry in my mouth, I wiped my hands on my leggings and pulled my legs up to my chest. Wrapping my arms around my knees, I kept calm, but with what my grandmother had said, she felt my magic flare up. Did that mean everyone here did, too?

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