Chapter 13

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I stared at her and couldn't get over how much she looked like her, the one who left, which is scary to imagine. That witch was powerful, but nothing like this one.

The one in front of me was the same as the old one but more powerful. Her power is magnificent. I could feel her energy and wanted it for myself, but that wasn't the case.

The witch was for a bigger purpose and one I could get behind.

Here in this coven, there is a story that many people think is a fairy tale, but it is not. It has more truth to it than Goldilocks and her three bears. It all started with a dark witch who wanted to take over the world by unleashing the demons of hell upon the world.

Over time, the witch who vanished was the only one who vanquished her by casing her in a vase deep within the halls of the council building. It was said that the one with the same power would be the one to free her, but also be her undoing.

No one knows about the halls that lurk underneath but it was fitting to place her there. For centuries she has waited, but that was until seven years ago when the girl arrived.

I'm not part of the coven, mainly due to not being a witch. I'm a rogue.

A rogue who wants vengeance on the pack that casted me out and left me for dead. I roam these forests when I can, but recently that has been hard with the wolves making a new play which I would have never agreed too. I was once the alpha's hand, helping him with his problem with witches but when he died, his father threw me out like I was nothing. I may be old, but there are plenty of rogues, hunters and even witches who want revenge on them for what they have done over the years to us.

I have hidden amongst the ones who roam freely away from here, but seven years ago I have been summoned by the one who wants to free that damn dark witch. I didn't know much until the person told me all about her and what she could give us. A better life and more freedom by destroying the ones who wronged her. I was all for it, especially when the person told me the witch will destroy the witches and wolves who placed her away.

The laugh that escaped when I learned it was the same pack that threw me out, I was overjoyed and even gave my neck in submission to her. I am her lapdog when she wants something done, like seven years to maine that girl. I let my claws in her neck when I went for her. There was no way she would survive.

Working with the witch, I am only a mere pawn in the her scheme, but I have my own revenge to deliver. And what better way than to team up and let the ones who wants to kill all who wronged her.

That pack was the one who helped in her demise with the old witch and it was all for nothing. They didn't read the fine print in that magic spell book she had. The one who vanquished her, will also be the one to free her.

The girl has no idea what is about to happen, and what better way than to make her go to a school with werewolves and witches who don't understand a thing about her?

I watched the girl leave and head into the house, but it wasn't too long till she was in the bedroom window looking for me.

My wolf stirred and appeared to look, but I had to move away.

"Watch what you are doing," I growled at him, making him growl louder in my head. He didn't say anything, but I knew where his head was at. He wanted to play and toy with her, but that wasn't the plan yet. I had to notify her when the witch got home, and I was still waiting.

A scent wafted toward me, letting me know that someone was close by. I needed to get out of here, before someone spots me. I move away, zipping in and around trees till I come to the edge of the line where the coven ends and the pack begins.

No one comes here, which is why I have been able to hide. I looked around the corner and spotted the old hag. She was talking to someone, but I had no clue who she was.

I needed to get back, or she will have me in a damn cage again.

The only thing I hated when working with witches was that they thought they were better than other supernaturals, but they were not.

Wolves are cunning, but when they have nothing to lose and are rogues, they are even more dangerous, especially when they want revenge. No one will be safe, not when the dark witch is released and she sends her demons. Then, it will be all fun and games for those involved.

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