I'm in love with my husband's brother: Remarried Empress (Naiver) x Male! reader

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Many empresses come from the Troby family which I also come from.

The previous emperor, Ossis III, also chose me as the next empress for the crown prince.

A political marriage.

Fortunately, Sovieshu and I had been on good terms since we were young. The nobles saw Sovieshu and me as a well-matched couple, we worked together and discussed how we would rule over the kingdom.

I was a perfect empress...

Until today.

3rd POV

Naviever crosses her arms over her chest. She wore a beautiful bright red dress with a silver tiara with red gems in them.

Her face had a cold expression, and her right eyebrow raised. She opens her lips, "I accept the divorce."

"Your majesty! This won't do!"

"Watch yourself!"

"How is this...!"

Rashta (aka Trashta 🙄) smirks after Navier's response. Navier turns her direction to Rashta and Soveishu's direction.

"What do we do?" Rashta looks at Soveishu.

"Do you really agree to this divorce without any objection?" The father asked.

"Yes," Navier said, "I accept the divorce."

Soveishu lets out a relieved sigh, 'I feel sorry...But it's fortunate.'

(Just you wait, Soveishu Bitch)


"I ask permission to remarry," Navier said.

"What?!" Soveishu said in shock, along with Rashtawith the same reaction.

Two ladies whisper to each other about Navier's request. Heinley, who was leaning on one of the round pole walls, smirked and had his arms crossed over his chest.

"Good choice."

Naviver smiles with pride.

"R-Rmarry...?" The father asked.

"Remarry you say? With who?!"

(Obviously, we know who Navier is marrying if you didn't read the title.)


The crowd looks in the direction of the person.

The person takes a step into the room with a beautiful outfit. His black hair, his beautiful E/c eyes, and his smooth S/c (Skin color) skin.

(Gotta compliment the readers 😌)

"Do I come up now?" Y/n asked with his hands touching together, resting on his waist

"Isn't that his majesty's brother?"

"So the rumor is true."

"It's...Y/n Lazlo Vict..."

Y/n walks past the father, his hands still resting on his waist.

"B-Brother! What is the meaning of this?" Soveishu asked.

Y/n stands beside Naiver and puts his hand on her shoulder.

"Your brother is the one I will marry," Naiver said.


A few months earlier (And how our queen met our lovely readers aka you)

An orange-haired girl opened the red curtains, "Woah! His majesty is too much!"

A brow-haired woman held a white blanket over her arms, "I know, we are supposed to serve the empress..."

"She seemed to be a runaway slave...Ah!"

A beautiful blonde-haired woman walked into the room with such beautiful clothing that no other woman can look any stunning as her.

(Cheesy much? No. 😌)

"Y-Your majesty, you came...?" The brown-haired said with a hesitant tone.

"I-I will prepare the bath," The orang-haired said.

The beautiful blonde-haired woman sat on a chair while the brown-haired brushed her hair, and the orang-haired served her majesty some tea.

'Somehow the atmosphere is a bit...'

"Could it be- Did something happened while when I was not around?" Naiver asked.

(Yes something happened, your so-called husband has found a piece of junk. 😕)

"Yes! It was too much!"

"The emperor went hunting and brought back a filthy woman, he could have taken a liking to her but how could he call us to wash that dirty thing?"

(I agree with them, don't you my lovely readers?)

"I didn't even wash myself with my own hands, it was a bolt from the blue!" The brown-haired said.

"That's right! We only wet our hands to bathe the empress!" The orange-haired said.

"But even though she was filthy, she seem to be pretty," The orange-haired said.

"Her beauty was on par with Duchess Tuania, the most beautiful woman in the world," The brown-haired said.

"But of course! No one is better than you!" The orange-haired said to the beautiful empress.

"But there's another rumor going around that his majesty has a brother, they say it's his long-lost brother or that his majesty's father had an affair with a beautiful woman from the Western empire and had a son," The brown-haired said.

"Brother? How do you know about this?" Our beautiful Naiver asked.

"One of the guards from the Western Empire came here just two days ago and deliver a letter to His Majesty." The orange-haired said.

"Back to the subject of the filthy woman. His Majesty seems to be fond of her," The brown-haired said.

"The emperor?" Naiver questioned.

"He was worried and keep asking...."

"How did you get hurt? Why are you so thin? Your complexion doesn't look good..."

"I think that's a normal thing to say..." Naiver sipped her tea.

"You may think that way because you haven't been in a relationship before! But the air around them is pretty...!" The orange-haired said.

"Is that so...?" Naiver trailed off.

"There was a special nuance in the atmosphere...Well, what I'm trying to say is that we're on your side."

"It's a relief if it turns out to be a pointless concern and that his majesty has been fooled or tricked," The brown-haired said.

"I see," Naiver said.

What should I do-

"Should we look into her?"

If what the ladies-in-waiting said was true?

"No, you don't have to. Thank you for your concern," Naiver said, "The emperor is a generous and kind man..."

(No he's not...)

Naiver looked through the window at the clear sky.

"He probably brought her out of pity," Naiver said.

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