Why so series: Batman: The Enemy Within & Telltale Series x Fem! reader

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3rd POV

In the night of Arkham, the moon was shining, & clouds floated in, in the mid sky. A helicopter flies by.

City Hall: 8:32 PM

In a building, a police officer was in the front taking a seat. He looks up as his eyes go wide. "Hey! What're you---" Bang, the police officer was shot by the head as a group of bad guys walk into the buildings, with masks, & their guns up.

One of the bad guys kicks a door open and enters it with the other bad guys. One of them passes a red laser making the door in front of them close shut.

"You think she's gonna show?" One of the men asked referring to Batwoman aka Y/n Wayne.

"She'll bring the while godamn place down." One of the men said.

"Stay focused." "We'll be out before anyone can stop us."

Outside of the building, a train comes by while the police were already in front of the Gotham City Hall. They enter the building to see the dead police officer.

"Christ," James said as he looked at the dead body. "Move in!"

The police start moving in. While the bad guys push a button that causes the elevator to go off.

"Back! Get back!" James backs away from the elevator as the elevator explodes making him fall.

"They're on the 52nd floor," James said on the walkie-talkie.

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