I love you, doll: The Boy x Fem! reader

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3rd POV

A loud tapping was heard on the window of a car. Greta slowly opens her eyes, while Y/n opens her eyes in a flash. They see an old man opening the car door for the two girls before saying, "Apologies, I didn't know how else to wake you."

"The Heelshires had to step out for a moment. They beg your pardon and they ask that you two wait in the parlor, oh and miss Y/n they picked out a very elegant dress for you waiting in your room." The old man said.

The two women exited the car, both admiring the beautiful house that stand before them. "It's like something out of a storybook." Greta blurted out.

Y/n gives the money to the old man who declines the money. "Oh, the Heelshires have already taken care of that. And I put your things inside. "

"Thank you, sir." Y/n smiles, nodding.

The two enter the mansion. As they walked into the mansion, Greta takes off her shows while Y/n keeps her on.

The two explore the mansion, and Y/n enters a room filled with toys. Y/n's eyes stayed glued on one toy, a colorful bright ball. Y/n grabs it and caresses her fingers on the doll.

"Hi, there."

Y/n quickly turns around before sighing. "Sorry, you scared me." Y/n placed the ball right back on the shelf.

"No, it's ok. I wasn't trying to scare you...I'm the grocery boy." The man said.

"Well, grocery man. You know. I own the shop." The man said making Y/n giggle. "Okay. I'm, Malcolm, by the way."

Malcolm shook Y/n's hand. "You must be here for the nanny job, and the other one?"

"She's looking around...maybe lost?" Y/n said.

"I'll find her, how about you unpack the groceries that are in the kitchen, and make yourself home," Malcolm said.

Y/n nods before heading her way to the kitchen and unpack the groceries and put them in the cabinets.

"Are you perhaps, Ms. L/n." A female voice said making aY/n turnaround. "Yes, yes I am."

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