Give me your heart!: AOUAD (Gwi Nam) x Fem! reader

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3rd POV

In Hyosan High School in the middle of the day, students were cleaning the school as it was the end of the day. Students cleaning halls, teachers saying their goodbyes to the students, and club students doing their club activites.

In the music club, students were holding folders as the sing while the camera was recording. The Archey club was in a contest for the nationals, shooting arrows at the darts.

The newsclub, doing their daily podcast on live as the students listen while they clean and enjoy their day. Lastly, the swimming club, the P.E. teacher blew the whistle as the girls dive in the water in their swimming uniforms as the boys watch, sitting on the bench in their swimming shorts.

The boys gossip and whisper to each other as their main topic was Lee Y/n, a top athletic student who was at best on her swimming class, a perfect figure and a perfect personilty.

The girls make to end as they get out of the water, soaked and refreshed. Y/n walks up towards the boys as they were still talking about her not noticing her coming towards them.


The boys stopped gossiping and look at her. "Suye-eun, could you pass me the towel that's beside you?"

"Uh, sure," Suye-eun stuttered, he is Y/n's Bestfriend, the two became good friends when they enter the swimming club.

Suye-eun hands Y/n the towel, "Thanks," Y/n thanked him before walking away to her other friend Ong-Ya, a also a member of the swimming club and is very childish when it comes to Y/n.

Y/n drys herself with the towel as she listens to Ong-ya babble about her classes and her life. "You know, what if Suye-eun's crush is you."

" it can't be, we're just friends," Y/n said putting the towel over her shoulder. "Right, sure."

"Are we still going to that one chicken place with Suye-Eun, Eun-Ji, & Nam-Ra?" Ong-Ya asked.

"Eun-Ji said she's going home because she doesn't feel good and Nam-Ra said she's going to study, so I guess it will be just the three of us," Y/n said.

Ong-Ya groaned, "Again?!"

"Ong-Ya, we both know what their true nature is, so we can't complain."

"I guess you're right, c'mon, let's go and get changed," Ong-Ya gently grabs Y/n's hand as they headed to the shower room.


Suya-Eun, Ong-Ya, & Y/n heard to the chicken shop in ther uniforms. Suya-Eun's uniform was just like the others, a green vest over a white button short sleeve shirt, green pants, and white clean shoes.

Ong-Ya's unfirom was a white shortsleeve shirt with a green vest over it, green skirt, short white socks, and nike blue shoes.

Y/n's uniform is the same as Ong-Ya but her sleeves were long, she had a green & white varsity jacket, long white socks, & Adias shoes.

Their backpacks were the same, black and brown with a little keychain hanging on their backpack zipper, Suya-Eun had a star keychain, Ong-Ya had a moon keychain, and lastly Y/n had a sun keychain.

The three enter the chicken shop as they were greeted by a young lady, Cheong-San's mother, "Well, hello, Suya-Eun, Ong-Ya, and Y/n, how was swimming class?"

"It was good, can we have the usual?" Y/n asked. "Three coke bottles as well?"

"Yes, please."

Cheong-San's mother nods before going back to the kitchen, turning on the boiler to start the chicken. The three young students put their backpacks down and took a sit as they waited for their chicken.

The three talk about school when they hear the chicken shop's front door open to see Cheong-San, On-Jo, Gyeong-Su, & I-Sak.

Gyeon-Su notices the three and waves at them, "Hey, guys,"

The three smile before waving at him and the others who do the same. The four grab a chair and sit by the three's table.

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