Beastars: Louis x F! Human! Reader

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Humans...not all humans are the ones who save carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores. Some eat them and some eat their kind. Humans who eat their kind are called cannibals knew for eating their meat or their organs. While some were forced and some who are disgusted by eating their kind.

In school, humans are required to eat in a separate cafeteria next to the animal's cafeteria, so they don't smell the scene of the human meat for those who likely want to eat meat, but those humans who don't eat human meat are still required to eat with the other humans.

They wear the uniforms as the other students do, but females need to wear long white stockings

Some can be half-human and some can be half animals, like a hybrid. But some are adopted from their parents who were killed or eaten in the Black Market. But for those who were born in the Black Market.

They're required to get a vaccine shot on their right arm, so they don't get the horrible disease. A disease that can get infected by it. The disease can spread all through your body and control with force and do anything with it.

But this girl isn't one of those cannibals but was born in the Black Market, her real parents are still unknown, but her adopted parents died in a break-in with her big brother who was to take care of her.

Her cut is like Mikasa from the last season of Attack On Titan. Her hands are fully wrapped in Acr Wrap. She wears a mask outside of school.


The red blood moon

"Extra! We've got an extra!" A stand was giving out newspapers from the newspaper club on the school grounds.

"Predation?" A donkey questioned, who held the school newspaper to her herbivore friends. A kangaroo ran to them as they look at her.

"Do you know about it? The victim was Tem from the Drama Club." A kangaroo said in fear.

"Oh no..." Els whispered to her friends with a concerned face looking at Els.

"Els, was he in your club?" A parrot asked.

"He was practicing with us just yesterday," Els whispered and looked at the ground.

"The culprit is definitely on the carnivore students, it can't be a human." The donkey said, looking at the Else.

The group looks at the two carnivores who are right next to them minding their own business. The two carnivores look at the group with questionable looks.

"None knows for sure if it is a student!" Els tried the carnivores.

"But we do know that it was a carnivore or a human cannibal." The donkey argued back.

"I know I shouldn't say this, but this is ironic. To think someone from the Drama Club would get eaten alive." The kangaroo said.

"And the club is supposed to be living proof that carnivores, herbivores, human cannibals, and humans are getting along with each other."

"You have to be careful, Els. The Drama Club has a gray wolf. Besides Y/n doesn't eat human meat or animal meat so it's best if you stay with her."

"Gosh, I lost my appetite." The parrot said as she put her feather hand on her stomach while walking away with the group, leaving Els behind.

A clawed hand rests on a wall and slid away, while on the rooftop a pair of glowing red eyes were staring at Els before walking away.


It was noon, in the drama club. The club members, humans, and animals were scattered around the practice room, talking to each other.

"I still can't believe it." The giraffe said. Else looked at the floor with a sad look.

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