Vampire Slayer: Hellsing (Alucard) x Fem! reader

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3rd POV

In place in London, a group of FBI soldiers runs into a building, helicopters roam around the building, and police cars pull up in front of the building.

A mile away from the surrounding building, a mysterious girl stands on top of the roof of another building. Her long/short H/c hair blew through the wind along with her white coat.

She looks at the building with her series E/c eyes. Closing her eyes, a voice speaks while she still stands in the same building.

"M/n (Middle name); that's the name she likes to go by. For many years she successfully killed many vampires in her life."

"Every government in the world had tried many attempts to know her real name, but was unable to do so."

"They tried to bribe, threaten me, or blackmail me just to expose her identity, but I wouldn't do that to her."

Another girl with creamy brown skin, blue eyes, and long blonde hair was sitting at her desk with her hands folded together, and her elbows placed on the brown desk.

A tiny man was sitting away from her, looking at her, and the computer in front of him, "A-And...W-Why so?"

The blonde-haired woman closes her eyes, "Simple. Friends soon to be partners in crime."

M/n was still standing in the building with a black earpiece in her ear.

"On 12 June, this priest was assigned to a small church in the village of cheddar."

The blonde-haired woman was holding a photo of the missing priest.

"One month later the first wave of missing person reports began flooding in the local police conducted the investigation the day before yesterday officers were sent to the church to apprehend the suspect," The tiny man told the blonde-haired woman as M/n listen to their conversation.

"All of them were reported killed,"

"It was then that the London Police Authority ordered E11 into action. Yesterday a special division 11 sent in one unit of their elite troops 50%," A police officer said, standing by the TV screen.

While the conversation was happening, M/n had a cigarette in her mouth, her back leaned on the lower metal fence, and her elbows lay on the lower metal fence.

Once the police officer stopped talking. M/n spit out the cigarette in her mouth and smashed it with her foot.

"He's no longer human if you can tell by the blood in his mouth and sharp teeth," M/n said.

With the blonde-haired woman, a microphone was placed in the middle of the table, "Give me his location and I'll end him quickly and deadly."

The blonde-haired girl smirks holding the cigarette in her hand, "Now, now, M/n. Be patient."

"It's getting dark, and we both know what happens when it gets dark," The Blonde-haired woman said.

M/n sighs, "Can't you blame me, Integra? The only reason I do this job is that those vampires took everything away from me,"

M/n stops leaning on the lower metal fence and grits her teeth together, "And that scumbag, Alucard!" She kicks a nearby wall.

Integra sighs, "I know your frustration M/n, but we can't give up just yet. This might upset you more than me."

M/n crosses her arms over her chest, "Huh?"

Integra said something that was muted, shocking Y/n, "You fucking got to be kidding me!?"

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