Her sister: The Walking Dead 1 x Fem! Teen reader

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3rd POV

In Atlanta a police car speeds down, driving away from the city inside of the car were a police officer driving the car and a girl who had H/l (Hair Length) h/c. And was wearing an outfit (from above).

Y/n was seated in the back seat. She looks up at the car mirror, which leads her and the officer to make eye contact. The police officer adjusts the mirror and Y/n looks down on her lap.

"Well? I reckon you didn't do it, then." The police officer said.

"You know what they say about reckoning," Y/n said.

"Ha, I don't but I reckon it's a lot like assumin'."

"Yeah, something like that." Y/n looked at the police officer.

"Y'know, I've driven a buncha 'fellas down to this prison. Lord knows how many. Usually is 'bout now I get the I didn't do it."

"Every time?" Y/n asked, curious.

"EVERY time."

It was silent until the radio chatter went off making Y/n look back at the mirror.

"I followed your case a little bit, you being a macon girl and all."

"You've got an opinion then?" Y/n raises a brow.

"Wouldn't say that. I go in that innocent 'til proven guilty thing. Every considering who they say you killed." Officer said.

Y/n looks out the window to see more police cars drive by as well as the radio going off again.

"I got a nephew up at UGA, you go there long?"

"Going on my 3rd year," Y/n said. "You meet your boyfriend in Athens?" Officer asked.

Y/n rubs the back of her neck as she looked away. "You wanna know how I see it?" Officer asked.

"Not really," Y/n said.

(?) He picked up on that

"Well, too bad. It's my car. You might have the right to remain silent, but it doesn't mean I gotta be." Officer said.

The officer looks at the mirror to see Y/n looking out the window gloomy and with regret on her face.

"Regardless. Could be you just dated the wrong man." The officer said.

Y/n glares at the officer and the words of Y/n died in her throat and looks back at her lap.

The radio goes off again. "Any of that seem important to you?" Y/n asked.

"All of it, but that box never shuts up. Sit in this seat and pay too much attention and you'll drive yourself crazy." Officer said.

"I'm driving this man once, h-he was the worst one. He wouldn't stop going on about how he didn't do it. Was an older fella. Big, soft eyes behind a pair of smart folk glasses, and he's just wailing back there, says it wasn't him." Officer said. "Crying and snotting all over right where you're sitting."

The radio goes off again, but the officer turns it off and continues what he was saying. "Then before long, he starts kicking the back of the seat. Like-like a fussy baby on an airplane."

"And I tell him he's gotta stop, that that's government property, and I'll be forced to zap him otherwise."

"So he stops, and having exhausted all his options, he starts crying out for his mama. Mama! It's all a big mistake! It wasn't me!"

"Did...did he do it?" Y/n asked, leaning in.

"They caught the fucker red-handed! Stabbin' his wife, cuttin' her up as the boys came through the door. He sits in my car screaming bloody murder, that it wasn't. I think he actually believes it himself."

"Goes to show...People will up and go mad when they believe their life is over."

Y/n's eyes widen when she sees a person stumbling onto the road. The officer was looking at Y/n, not knowing about the person. "I got another good one for you. This one s a little bit less depressing and a little more hilarious, if I do say--"

"OH SHIT!" Y/n shouts.

The car hits the person, the car spins out of control and the windshield shattered. Y/n was thrown around, the car flies off the road, and tumbled down a hill and into a small wooded area.

Y/n's vision starts to be blurry before passing out.


Y/n groans and wakes up, she hisses from the pain of her leg as she tries to lift her leg. Blood was on her leg coming from a large gash on her calf.

Y/n crawls out of the broken car from the window that was broke

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