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When you finally have this DAMN concerto right and you're FINALLY ready for the concert next week :)

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When you finally have this DAMN concerto right and you're FINALLY ready for the concert next week :)

I worked really hard today! I deserved rest. I laid in the hammock (yes, we had a hammock in the studio, don't ask why), ready to scroll again on Instagram. I could spend hours doing that instead of doing things I loved. That was really addictive, in the bad way.

I think I was nearly asleep when I heard that big noise. I woke up with a start. What was it? I quickly checked, none of my instrument fell from its place, everything was alright. Then, what was this noise.

I understood it came from outside. I rushed to the door. I don't know why, I could feel something was wrong. My heart started to race.

I smelt like... something was burning. No, more like the smell of tyre that braked to fast on the road. I passed the fence of my garden. I was now understanding.

A car. There was a car, halfway in the ditch. There were marks of the tyres on the road. I looked on the right, hearing a motor.

It was a big blue pickup, going really fast. I just had time to memorize its number plate. For the moment, it was not important.

I approached the car. The windows were broken, the doors nearly ripped off. I could see 5 men in there. I opened the nearest door.

They were all unconscious. I tried to stay calm, even though m heart was beating really fast. I had to be quick. I took my phone, calling the emergencies. I wedged my phone, somehow tucked it into my belt. It was still ringing.

I checked for a pulse. The blond man seemed okay, not badly hurt, at first look. I unhooked his belt and carried him on my shoulder. I was really glad having trained with the firemen when I was a teenager. It was really helpful right now.

The phone was finally answering. I laid down the man in a safe area, already returning to the car.

"Hello?" I heard a woman on the phone, speaking French of course.

"My name is Katrina Blum and I need help right now."

"What's the emergency?" the woman seriously said. I heard she was ready to take notes.

"A car crashed into a ditch in front of my house. 5 men, mid-twenties, I think. I'm still checking for pulse." I gave her my address. "They're all unconscious." I added. I took the second man in the row. He seemed to have long black hair.

"I'm sending you the firemen. They will take care of everything. While they arrive, prepare the zone, make it safe."

"I know what I'm doing ma'am."

"Right. I stay online with you till they're there."

The third man was really tall (and I'm not that much- well I'm tall for a girl, that's it) so it was not easy. The most difficult part was to climb back the ditch. I went now for the front row, the passenger.

He was unconscious too. The airbags were surrounding him. I had a really hard time getting him out of the car. And I had to be still very cautious to not bump his head, he could be even more injured. Hopefully, he was smaller, not much taller than me I'd say, so it was easier. I laid him next to the four other, positioning his head the right way.

I by-passed the car and went to the driver. He was laying on the steering wheel's airbag. I could hear that his breathing was harsh. I saw blood. I breathed out. I needed to stay calm. First, I checked pulse. There, not string but regular. Great. I unhooked his belt. I tried to make him sit properly, so I could see where he was injured. While getting him out of the car, I had to be careful not to press against any injury.

He was really tall compared to me, or even of his friend. I tried to wipe the blood from his face, to see if he was hurt on the head.

His blue eyes were fixing me.

"Hi, you're awake?" I asked in French, trying not to have a harsh tone. I must not stress him out.

He didn't answered, his head was bouncing a little.

"English?" I remembered the number plate, it was not a "F" on it. More like a "SLK" or "SLO"... Don't remember correctly. He must not speak French.

"Yes," His voice was like a whisper.

"Okay." I took my English voice. "I-I will carry you out of here, ok? If I hurt you, please, tell me."

I couldn't take him on my shoulder. He was injured on the chest, the hurt would be worst. I took him bridal style. It was absolutely not practical, even more to climb the ditch, but I had no other choice.

I sat him next to the others.

"Hey, what's your name?"

"Kris," he answered. His voice was dull.

"Hi Kris. I'm Katrina. You can call me Kate. Please, if you can, follow my finger with your eyes." It was an important test to do, to see if he had a concussion. He did as I asked, slowly, but he did.

"You're doing great Kris. How do you feel ?"

"Bad...Uh..." he nearly fell on me.

"Okay okay!" I went behind him, and held him against me, resting his head on my shoulder. "Speak to me. What is your mother tongue?" It was important to make victims of accident speak, they needed to stay conscious. I hope the firemen will be there soon, because they're taking their time...

"Dutch." He shortly answered. "Slovene too."

"I speak Dutch!" I said in his mother tongue. "Don't worry, everything is gonna be ok." I tried not to show that I, too, was worried. They were strangers to me, but I was so worried! I glanced at the other men. They did not move. "What is your job?"


"You're from a band?"

"Joker Out."

From afar, I heard the siren of the firemen. I sighed in relief. Kris took my hand, squeezing it. He was the one with the most injuries.

They were finally there. It did not take them long to put the unconscious men in stretchers. On of the firemen came to me. For a while, I forgot we were in France, and people spoke French here.

"He's conscious," I said. "But badly injured. I did not notice a concussion. Be careful, he's weak." I explained quickly.

"Do not worry, we take care of them, mademoiselle. Thank you for helping them."

"I can't come with them?"

"I'm sorry. The police will come soon to make a report."

"O-Okay," I was totally overwhelmed. "Can someone contact me when they're better?"

The firemen sighed, but nodded. "Write me your number." I quickly wrote my phone number on the small piece of paper he handed me. Right after, he climbed back in the truck.

I was left alone, in the middle of the road.

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now