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Amalia's Point of View

A few days has passed since the Paris things, and we were peacefully enjoying life. To be honest, we don't get outside of the house really much, as we have everything we need here. We just play together, watch movies, sleep a lot, and the list goes on.

But for now, I just needed to speak to my sister.

"KATRINAAAAAA" I called. I knew she was in the garden, busy cutting roses. When I finally found her, Kris was putting one of the oranges rose in her hair. And they were giggling. How cute. When she saw me, she quickly kissed Kris, before turning her head over me. I grimaced, seeing your sister doing that is terrifying.

"Your couple dripping with love, it's really horrible to see." I said with a blank voice. My sister raised an eyebrow. She knew I've done worst than her. "Anyway, I need to talk with you." I grabbed her arm, dragging her. "It's girl only talk!" I said to Kris, who giggled.

I dragged Katrina in my room. We both sat on my bed. That remind me so much a few years ago... I was just a teen when she nearly was adult; but the age gap didn't affect that much our relations.

"So, what's it all about? Is that so important I had to leave Kris?" She asked, acting like she was annoyed, though I knew she wasn't.

"Yes. And you spend too much time with him."

"What? You're afraid of having a niece or a nephew?" She said with a serious tone, though she was holding back a laugh.

"Yuck, don't tell me things I don't want to know, please." I paused, letting her know that I wanted to speak. She waited for me. "So you see... I think... Well, I knew before you... but... you know..."

"Amalia, please, just tell me."

"I like Jure."

"Ahh finally, it's about time you realise! Even I wasn't so oblivious with Kris!"

"Just shut up okay? So, I realised after Paris that I liked him, but I think he likes me too!"

"Of course, he likes you." She had a deep voice. "Haven't you seen how he looks to you?

"Yeah no but yeah, and well... he asked me if I would go on a date with him tonight."


"And what?"

"What did you say?!?" Katrina was shaking me, certainly exasperated by my brain who was not functioning really good right now.

"Yes! I said yes of course!"

"YEAH! Finally, you accept a good guy!" Katrina put a big smile on her face as she hugged me. "I'm happy for you. But are you okay? You seem... uncertain." She really has the power to read through me.

"It's just... we have nearly 10 years between us; I know for dad and mother it was more, but... I don't know. I'm not even major yet. And I just don't want to fuck this up, for once."

"It's gonna be okay, Lia." Oh gosh I love her reassuring tone, and my nickname... "You're 18 when again? On July the 19th . So in 20 days. As long as he doesn't hurt you, I'm not gonna say anything!" she smiled softly. "Everything will be okay, no pressure. But what about finding you a nice outfit, hum?"

Ah yes, Katrina definitely knows how to speak to my heart!


We finally agreed on pink shorts and a white blouse, not fancy but still pretty. And it was still pretty hot, so I'm not gonna wear a full pants. I can't survive in those on summer.

Jure came to me, and I'm not gonna lie he's super hot in this shirt. He smiled and approached me; very gentle and more... calm than when he's with his friends?

He stopped in front of me. For a moment, we said nothing, and just stared at each other with a confused expression. But he shook his head -his blond hair flying around him- and reached out to me.

"Shall we go?"

I took his hand and nodded happily. He drove me to a place I didn't know, so it was a real surprise for both of us. I couldn't imagine a place like this here! It was beautiful; the table were protected by larges tree, from which were hung small lightbulbs, softly lighting the scene. I swear that was really romantic. We sat face to face, and started to discuss a bit.

He seemed nervous, at the beginning. But I decided to still be true to myself and spoke the same way as at home, so after a few minutes, we found again our so precious and unique bond.

As we ate, we shared stories, some of which we would never tell the others (and obviously not Katrina for me). We discovered each other more deeply, in a way I would never have known him in another way.

It was really late when we got out. The smile I had could not be removed from my face. As we were alone on the parking lot, I started dancing a bit. It was always my way to express my feelings; dancing was my whole life.

Jure laughed softly, seeing me dance on the rhythm of a distant song, coming certainly from another shop or anything else. I smiled, and went to grab his hands. We laughed together, dancing like idiots under a sky full of stars.

"You're really beautiful," he said, when the song finished, slowly putting his hands on my waist.

"Just kiss me already!" I put my hands on his cheeks and pulled him in a long, passionate kiss. I smiled against his lips when he answered, deepening even more our kiss.

We pulled apart, staring at each other, in disbelief, in joy, in love.

"I love you" we said at the same time. We smiled, and kissed again.

This looks like a Netflix love story, but God, I love it. 

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