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There was way more thing to do than planned.

First, I'm reading a lot. I did take care of Luna when she was still a baby, but that's nothing alike having its own child. And my mother was not really a role model for me... And we didn't tell anybody yet. Kris and I had agreed that we needed to wait a bit before.

Secondly, I'm constantly doing lists with Mia. It may sound unhealthy, but it helps. It's a bit like a copping mechanism. Being organised before, because I know after the baby is born, I'll never be again. I just need to accept it. Fortunately, Kris is also a very organised type of person, so it didn't bother him, and actually helped me to do more lists.

And of course, Mia is assaulting me with advices. So much my brains gets overwhelmed. It's always good to take, but I don't even know where to start.

Becoming a parent is a whole adventure... But hopefully, I know I'm not alone through this, like Mia was. We're together through everything. And honestly, Kris is the best dad this child could dream for.


I was in the car, calling him for the hundred times. I was really starting to get pissed off. How could he forget? I mean, that's too important for him. And he doesn't answer. I threw my phone on the passenger seat, and drove faster. Of course for once, there was a slow car here! Fuck. I just want to insult everybody. Hormones? No. Just rage.

Kris's Point of View

I was trying to find the chord that would fit the song. But whatever I played, Bojan would always nod left to right. We needed just a chord to start a song, but it can take quite long to find the right one.

"Yes! That one is good!" The singer exclaimed. I sighed, we have finally found the beginning of our song.

I heard a door slam. I frowned. There was only us in the studio today, and we were all in this room. Then I recognize the sound of Katrina's steps. Another door slammed. Jure crossed himself.

"I don't know what you have done dude, but angry Katrina is not a thing you want to see." I glanced at him. "She was mad at Amalia once." He said quickly, before she opened the door.

"Kris Matic Cas Guštin!" She exclaimed, with an angry pose. The room went totally silent. I stood still. My mother called me by all my names 3 times in my life. I doubt the guys even knew them. I don't know what I did but she didn't like it.

"The 3 names, you're screwed man," Jan murmured.

"Thanks Jan for this relevant intervention." She breathed deeply; she really was trying to hold back her anger. "Didn't you forget something?" She turned to me; her arms were folded over her chest.

"Did I forget something?" Oh man, I shouldn't have said that out loud. She's even angrier now. And Nace made me notice it with a small punch.

"Yes. We have an appointment on the other side of Ljubljana in," she looked at her watch, "11 minutes and 40 seconds. So, if you could go a bit faster, I'd appreciate it."

"Fuuuuck I forgot," I ran my hand in my hair, getting up quickly. I grabbed my coat. Katrina is already out, waiting for me.

"What's the matter?" Bojan asked, confused.

"We have an appointment, and I wasn't supposed to forget that..." I was even surprised I forget about it. And she reminded me yesterday...

"I never saw her like that," Jan chuckled. "Is she on her period?"

"Precisely not." I opened the door and shouted. "Be back in 2 hours or so!"

I went into the car, on the passenger seat. We didn't spoke for a few minutes. Katrina's fingers were clenched on the steering wheel.

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now