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It was really too hot. I hate sun. I hate summer.

Sitting in the sun umbrella shadow, with my sun glasses on, I tried to find some coolness in a cold drink. I was putting sun cream on Kris, because with his super white skin, he would burn even more than me.

"Thanks sweetheart," he said, after I put some cream on his nose.

"You must be careful, Sun is a formidable opponent."

"It's not that bad, is it?" He giggled.

"I always end up sunburned, and it HURTS."

"Right, I get it," he laughed, kissing my cheek. I love when he does that. It's just so sweet and cute!

"We're back!" shouted Amalia. When she realised there was no more ice cream in the freezer, she literally harassed me to go buy some. But I didn't want to move! And she could not go by herself, as she does not have any driving license. All her hopes were on me! Until of course, Jure proposed himself to go with her. Kris and I shared a knowing look, but I couldn't refuse as it speared me the bullying and the effort to wake up.

"My god you took the whole section!" exclaimed Nace, seeing all the ice creams pack in the coolbox.

"Yup! And I even found gluten free ones for us!" They cheered together. I remember my sister always being sad when she was a child because she could not eat the same things as her friends, and just mostly ate vegetables. Now that more people are detected as 'gluten free', there's more product adapted, and it's really nice to see her enjoying eating at last.

We all enjoyed an ice cream on the terrace, protected by the shadow. Bojan crowned himself 'BBQ King' and is now in charge. Once again, I'm happy that someone else propose, that means I can lay peacefully.

We all ate joyfully, telling some jokes and stories. At some point, Bojan's sister called, and so we face timed his family. I could see a brief moment his parents, and I must say he looks a lot like his mother. He took the opportunity to give some news about them and their injuries. And after that he presented Amalia and I. Well, we didn't understand what he said, cause that was in Serbian I think, but we noticed our names and waved.

"Thanks for taking care of our boys ladies," said his mother in English. Amalia and I smiled.

"With pleasure," my smile grew bigger. Having them here was in fact refreshing. They brought happiness and life in this big house. In a few days span, they literally changed our lives, for the better; I thought, glancing at Kris.

"Thanks again, and oh, stay safe, I saw on the TV what happens in France... And they critics Balkans!" His mother laugh, but I could see she was worried for her son.

"Don't worry madam, we're here in the country side, far from those stupid riots." I put a reassuring smile on my face. She nodded with a smile and ended the conversation after saying goodbye.

"You could've told her the truth, you know," Bojan said, looking at me.

"She would have been so worried she would do a heart attack before you come back in Slovenia." I justified. "A mother like to be reassured, Bojči," I grinned, ruffling his hair mimicking her mother's tone when she used his nickname.

We finished eating peacefully. While clearing the table, I saw Amalia playing in the garden, in her swim suit. Nace, Jan and Jure soon joined her, topless, to play with the waterbombs and the garden hose. Bojan was sunbathing while sleeping. I seriously considered drawing him a smiley with sun cream, but I hadn't the occasion yet. I was going back to the kitchen again, as I forgot to bring something.

"AHHH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "YOU'RE SERIOUS?!" Amalia, Jan and Jure found funny to empty a bucket of freezing water on me.

"Your face is worth gold, sister," Amalia smiled.

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now