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I never thought being pregnant would be so exhausting. Mostly because she does not let me sleep 3 hours straight. She's always kicking, moving, or making me getting up to go to the toilets... Not even born, already tiring me... I can predict when she'll be able to talk, her favourite word will be 'NO' and she will drive us mad. How exciting.

That's why I'm sitting, there, like an old grandma. Staying on my feet hurts anyway. I was backstage, watching the concert from the side. It was not a big concert, more intimate than the last times, where it was enormous venues. But I knew the boys preferred that type of concert; they had a better connection with the public.

I got up (it was hard, but don't mock me, I can't even see my feet) and searched for my bottle of water. But I can't remember where I saws it last time. I swear this kind of situation is seriously getting on my nerves. Plus I had this bad cramps -worst than period, if that's possible- so I was not really in a good mood right now.

"Oh fuck. Oooooh fuck."

"Are you okay Katrina?" Martin asked keeling next to me, a hand on my back.

"No." I met his gaze, which became anxious. "My water broke."

"Fuck." He glanced at the stage. The boys where in the middle of the concert. He put both on his hands on my shoulders, looking straight in my eyes. "Don't worry. I'm taking care of you. Maks!" he yelled his name. Kris's brother arrived quickly. He was sweating from all the runs he does around the stage. "Tell Kris I'm going to hospital with Katrina. Her water broke," he explained, seeing that Maks didn't understand why we had to go.

"Oh fuck, okay I'm telling him. Good luck Kat," he said patting my shoulder, before leaving quickly.

"Come on, you can get up?" Martin asked, offering me his hands as supports.

"Yes. Slowly." I said, breathing out. It was only the beginning but the pain was killing me. That's not gonna be easy.

Kris's Point of View

I was really enjoying myself right now. I missed these small concerts. We really were having fun on stage.

We just ended Ne Bi Smel. Now that song was quite old, but it was really fun to play on stage; it was setting the ambiance for the following.

I saw Maks in the corner of my eye, stepping on stage. Bojan and I turned to him at the same time, wondering what he was doing here now. He advanced to us, with a quite worried look on the face.

"What's the matter Maks?" Bojan asked.

"Martin is driving Katrina to hospital. The baby is on his way."

"W-What? Where?" My hands started shaking, though I tried to stop it.

"Thanks Maks." I heard Bojan say, though it felt like my brain was disconnecting. He put a hand on my shoulder. "We're shortening this. I promise we'll join her as soon as possible." I simply nodded; it was like my voice was stuck in my chest. Impossible to speak.

Bojan went to explain the situation to the boys. I ran my hand in my hair, breathing slowly, trying to control my heartbeat. Being far from her while she's giving birth to our child was not planned, and it didn't feel right. I needed to be at her side.

Jure went to hug me first, and so did Jan and Nace.

"Hey guys," Bojan said in his mic to the audience. "We just received... good news." He glanced at me. The public yelled. It was known that Katrina was pregnant; through her Instagram, but we also have been spotted in the streets. It was not a secret for our fans. "That's why we need to shorten this a bit. We're sorry but we hope you understand." Some did the heart shape with their hands. I smiled, at least they're comprehensive. "Kris you're ready?"

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now