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After dropping my bag and my new violin at Kris's place -I was still searching for a name (I love naming my instruments)- he took me outside, and we walked down the streets of Ljubljana.

"Do you like the city so far?" he asked. He looked at me. I'm sure I saw a bit of apprehension in his eyes. But it washed away when I smiled, lying my head on his shoulder.

"I love it. It seems to be a really lovely city. And from the small I saw; I love the landscape. It's really a beautiful country."

"I'm glad you like it." His smile was so soft; I really wanted to kiss him right now. "Come one, this way!" He grabbed my hand and accelerated.

"Oh slow down Krisko!" I laughed. "I don't have big legs like you."

"That's true, you're short."

"I'm not short for a woman!!" I exclaimed. "But of course everything must seem small for you, you giant." Of course, he laughed.

He led me through the streets. It was already late and it was nearly night now.

"Oh wait, we stop here for a minute before. Close your eyes, I'm back in a few second," he said. While I closed my eyes, he kissed my cheek quickly. I blushed. Even now he makes me blush. It's a nice point.

I waited as he told me, eyes closed, leaned against the wall.

"I'm back, you can open your eyes."

I slowly opened my eyes, to see him right in front of me, a big bouquet of roses in his hand. I put my hands on my mouth; that was really beautiful.

"Thanks Kris," I said, tears in my eyes. That was really so sweet. I took his face in my hands and pulled him in a deep kiss. "You're so romantic," I laughed softly.

"I just want to show you how much I love you," he kissed my forehead.

"You're doing really great," I chuckled. I took the bouquet he handed me. It was so nice to feel loved. It's like I rediscover myself, from another angle. I'm literally not the same person. But I prefer the me in love than the me not in love. I'm much nicer this way.

We walked a few hundred meters, to a nice-looking restaurant. Kris took my hand and lead me inside. It felt really welcoming and peaceful, it has a nice atmosphere. A waiter approached us and spoke in Slovenian. I kinda understood what they said, even if I'm not totally sure. I need to work more on my understanding.

He led us in a place that was nearly hidden from everyone around, and I'm not gonna complain. We were like in our own room, far from all the looks of others people. As we sat, face to face, Kris took my hand in his. He loved taking my hands, sometimes he draws the line inside with his fingers. I would not be surprised if he told me he could draw it by heart.

We talked, we laughed. It was the best date, night, talk I had in my whole life. Just, the 2 of us, together. Alone, in our own world. Like on another planet.

We had nearly finished, so I guessed it was time. I took the box from my handbag. It makes too long I wish to give him. I've even considered sending it by post, but it's better to just give it in person.

"What's this?" He asked with a confused look.

"When I saw it I immediately thought of you," I smiled, handing him the small, black box.

He opened it. It was a guitar pick necklace, in silver. It was simple, but I loved it (and plus it matched perfectly the blue of his eyes, so it was a nice pick).

"I love you I love you I love you" he repeatedly said while hugging me tightly. I was just so happy, I couldn't help but grinning.

"I love you too dragi."

I helped him attaching the chain around his neck.

"It looks even better than I imagined it," I whispered while smiling.

"That's because you have great taste moja ljubezen. You should become my stylist."

"Alright, I'll find you a Cinderella dress if you want," I giggled. He rolled his eyes, but laughed.

We walked back home after some more time in the restaurant. I took a bit more time to look at his place. Even if it was night, it seemed to be really light, modern and organized. But it still had his personal mark. Some photos were taped to a wall, I took time to look at them. Most of them were family photos, and even when he was a child, I could always recognize my boyfriend. He always had this cute smile.

"I'll present them to you tomorrow," I heard behind me. I turned.

"You look like a really united family."

"Yes, and I think you'll like them," he smiled.

We went straightaway to bed, we were exhausted. I cuddled against him. I took every opportunity to be with him, in his arms.

"Your scar is still visible," I murmured, drawing the mark with my fingertip.

"It doesn't hurt anymore," he answered, nearly asleep. "On your hand too."

"Yeah, it won't go away," I closed my eye.

"It makes you even more remarkable."

I seriously love him. He loves even my scars. Usually people only love your petals, not your roots. He loves mine, as much as I love his.

I took him in a even tighter hug. His heart beat was my lullaby. What a nice time to feel alive again...

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now