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Kris's Point of View

After the restaurant, we took the subway again. We arrived not far from an enormous building, that looked like a palace.

"That's the Invalides?" I asked Katrina, remembering the subway stop's name.

"Yup!" She said with a smile. "It was an hospital, build by Louis the 14th in the 1680's, I think. It was still used by Napoléon for his armies."

"Quite classy for an hospital," I answered. It really looked like a palace. We entered the gardens.

"Rabbits!" Exclaimed Jure. We all turned to him, confused. I know sometimes he talks nonsense, but...

"How...there's plenty of rabbits here?" Amalia was as confused as us.

"A typical Parisian spices!" Kat' laughed. Jure and Amalia jumped into the gardens, trying to catch one bunny, and Bojan was filming. Jure soon came back with a little, terrorised bunny in his arms.

"Don't you want to touch it?" I asked Katrina, after having patting it.

"Oh no, I'm allergic," she said. "I'm sure you don't want to see me with puffy red eyes because of this," she smiled.

"I'd find you beautiful, no matter what." She smiled. I lived to see her smile; it was so beautiful, and had the gift to calm me. Although we know each other for not much long, I knew I couldn't live without her smile to lighten my day.

"You're cute," she grinned, and bent to kiss my forehead. I loved when she does that.

We visited the whole thing, and it was pretty spectacular. As we said earlier, Parisians like big, golden things.

We walked along the docks of the Seine for a time. There's a lot of things to see! We saw from afar Notre Dame, which was still in reconstruction.

"Here is the place our representant vote stupid laws and doesn't listen to their people!" Katrina explained, pointing to the Assemblée Nationale.

"That's where the thing about retirement age began?" Asked Bojan. "French people were crazy a few months ago."

"I think that's normal." She said. "It's not the age that changes, but the time you work, it's different. Whatever, France is becoming a dictatorship. One day, I'll exile to Amsterdam." I grinned. I'd like to return to Amsterdam too, sometimes. It's really a city dear to my heart.

It was already late when we decided it was time to find a restaurant, before going back home. I must admit we were all tired from this long day. We have walked a lot, even if we used the subway a few times!

We were sitting inside the restaurant, but we had a perfect view on the Eiffel Tower. We were joking around, doing stupid things (as usual). We ordered a typical French wine. Bojan was just messing around, trying to speak French, always asking Katrina and Amalia for new phrases to learn.

I noticed Katrina was looking behind me; she frowned. I turned, just to see what she was watching. It was the TV, the news. The TV was muted.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Katrina reported her attention on me and smiled.

"Oh yeah, yeah I'm alright." I frowned, cause she continued to look at the TV. A few more minutes passed, where she barely spoke, only to laugh a bit when she heard a joke.

She suddenly got up. We all watched her but said nothing, as she went to the barman. I saw her speaking, certainly in French, and pointed to the TV at one point. She listened to the barman, explaining something; I could see her face growing worried. She quickly nodded, ending the conversation, before walking towards us.

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now