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It was actually pretty late when we headed back home. I took my violin case on my shoulder. I will work in my room tonight (fortunately it is well soundproofed). Who need sleep anyway?

We sat around the table, joined by Bojan and Jure, and went for a few drinks. Soon, Ezio and Artem joined. Of course, I'm used of them entering the house with not even a text. It's like their second home.

"I've got some grappa for tonight!" Cheered Ezio. Everybody cheered with him. We took some glass, and discussed while preparing dinner. I was cutting some pepper bell to add to the sauce.

"Ezio, deberíamos reunirnos y hablar sobre molestar a Ktrina!" (Ezio, we should speak together just to annoy Katrina!)

"Oh gosh, here we go again..." I sighed

"¿Tú también hablas español?" (You speak Spanish too?) asked Bojan in the same language, with a surprised expression.

"I'm half Spanish, half Dutch," grinned Mia.

"We're surrounded by half Dutch people!" chuckled Nace.

"We should do a team!" Kris laughed and I joined him. "The half-Dutch Trio!"

"That's a horrible name, we keep it!" I couldn't help but laugh. This was so stupid.

"Anyway, why were you speaking Spanish?" Asked Bojan, still intrigued.

"We like to piss off Katrina," said Ezio, a big grin on his lips. I answered by sticking my tongue out at him. "We tried to teach her some of Italian and Spanish but she doesn't remember anything."

"Nia nia nia!" They succeeded to piss me off. Great. "That's because I'm Germanic, Roman languages are hard for me. I prefer languages with declensions and everything than your weird thing with too much tenses."

Mia and Ezio laughed, Artem grinned. Of course, he was on their side.

"You'll definitely like Slovenian then," said Jure. "Lots of declensions"

"And not much tenses!" Added Bojan. "That's true that in roman languages there's a lot of them!"

"Well I should try then!" I nodded with a smile.

"She should sing with you guys! Katrina loooooooves to sing!" Mia clapped in her hands like an excited child.

"Shut up, I'm already doing your backing vocals, that's enough for me." I liked to sing, but only for me. Doing backing vocals was already a big effort I'm doing for her, so there's no way I'm singing in front of so many people.

"Owww come on!" Bojan nearly begged. "That would be so fun! You could sing it at your next concert!" He grinned.

"You could sing Katrina," said Kris. I looked at him with a confused expression, not really understanding what he said. "We have a song named Katrina," he explained.

"Ahhh that's why you looked at me weirdly when I introduced to you!!" I finally understood their confused but funny face at the hospital. Jure and Nace giggled when I said that.

"She should sing Carpe Diem, more people know this one," said Nace. Kris and Jure nodded in agreement.

"Definitely!" Bojan had a big smile on his face. "Carpe Diem is the one!"

"That's a dare, then?"

"Yes! If you refuse it, you're a coward!"

"I did not plan to refuse it. Is that okay for you?" I looked at my band. They seemed quite happy that I accepted the dare, as if they were on Joker Out's side too. Why everybody is against me??

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now