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Katrina's Point of View

I was in my 5th month; but my womb was barely showing. I've no more morning sickness -hallelujah- and for the moment, it's actually quite nice to be pregnant. I know in a few weeks I'll take that back, that's why I'm saying that right now.

Oh, and now we know; it's a little girl. Kris was over the moon when the doctor showed us. He was expecting it to be a boy, but I think he's even more happy. When we sleep, he's always cuddling me, his head near my stomach, telling stories to his "princess".

We were actually preparing her future room; even if during her first year she'll certainly stay with us. We need to have everything ready before she is there; after it's gonna be hell.

We had a spare room that we don't used a lot (we just put our mess here, so it wasn't in the living room), and with a new coat of paint and a bit of imagination, it can become a child paradise.

I was doing some sorting, between old furniture and things we could give to charities, maybe. There was plenty of things already. Old clothes, many papers, and so on... I suddenly stopped moving. Kris turned over me.

"Are you okay? You have a weird face," he commented.

"She kicked!"

Kris literally rushed over me, putting his hand on my stomach. He kneeled and put his head against it. I felt her kicking again. Kris looked up at me. He had a genuine smile, I could read his excitement on his face.

"It's incredible, I can feel her feet... She did it again!"

"She reacts to your voice dragi. She always moves according to your voice. She's gonna be a daddy's girl!" I giggled.

"And I'm completely okay with that. It's my baby girl." He was so cute when speaking of his baby. I swear he's gonna be the proudest dad of the whole world. It's too cute.


We were at the Dutch embassy. We had a lot of paper work to do, thanks to our precious little one. I was literally drowning in the tone of paper I had to complete. We were there for more than 2 hours now, and I can't see the end of this...

"Why is this so complicated..." I sighed. "I just want to say I'm pregnant! Is that too much to ask for?"

"I'm sorry," the kind lady who hosted us spoke. "I know it's a lot of paper work... it normally doesn't take that long, but it would be easier if you were married..."

I met Kris's gaze. Oh no he won't... he spoke first.

"Do you want to marry me?"

"Yes. Of course I want to marry you."

"Great. When can we be married?" He turned his head over the lady. I could tell she was a bit disturbed.

"I-In three weeks minimum. Uh, on the 27th?"

"Perfect. We'll come back do the rest of the papers on the 28th." He said.

Well, getting married is easier than having a baby. Only 2 pages to sign. Kris got up, and stretchered his hand to help me. I had some problems getting up lately. I often end up falling. I guess I'm losing my balance.

We exited the building. I was still not processing what happened.

"We're getting married?"

"In three weeks, yeah," Kris smiled at me. He took me against his chest. "You'll finally have a cool name!" he giggled.

"Let's say, more suitable for the region," I smirked. "I'll be a real part of your family."

"You were part of my family the first time I kissed you, moja ljubezen." And he kissed me again, softly, like I was made of crystal. He was so delicate, when he caressed my hair, when he held me against him. All of him was softness. "It wasn't the proposal I imagined though..."

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now