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Katrina's Point of View

A few months passed. We visited each other regularly, at least twice a month. Each time seemed too short. But I always tell myself I'm lucky to see him this often, it's not the case for everyone in a distant relationship. But anyways, I miss him.

I had many things to do today. We're the 24th of December, meaning tomorrow is Christmas. I was doing Christmas cookies with Luna (she just helped with the flour to be honest, and she put it everywhere, but I still love her). Mia and Artem were there too, they were decorating the Christmas tree. And his mother and sister were there too. We preferred spending Christmas together than everybody alone.

I put our cookies in the oven, and Luna stayed in front of it the whole time, carefully looking, because she was afraid it would explode. I'd like to have as much imagination as her.

"Come on Luna, you need to put your coat before going out!" called Artem. I was smiling. Luna is not his daughter, but he acts so much like a father for her. Honestly she could not dream of a better dad.

We went to the Christmas market in our town. It was really magical, all the lights and the ambiance made the square look like North Pole. Luna went crazy when she saw Santa Klaus, calling "Père Noël!" everywhere at the top of her lungs.

With my students, we played some Christmas carols. I was really proud of them, they played beautifully. With the cold it's not easy to play outside, so they did pretty well.

We wandered between the stands, I was looking for small presents. Of course, I have already prepared all my presents for my friends! And I already send them to Slovenia. I just hope that the French Post did its job for once (last year when I sent my present to my father, it arrived 3 weeks after...). I hope they'll be happy, cause it took me soooo much time to find one unique present for each of them (and I did some for Kris's and Bojan's parents too...)!

Added to that, I need to find a present for Jan, since his birthday is on the 1st January. And then Bojan, on the 5th, and Kris on the 16th (but I already finished his!). Seriously, why having their birthday so near Christmas? It's really not easy to have ideas!

We went back home after an hour, it was really cold outside. Luna was exhausted, but fought back the sleepiness. She absolutely wanted to see Santa Klaus! But she finally fell asleep around 10p.m.. With big smiles on our faces, we put the presents under the tree.

It felt absolutely magical. But even if I spent this Christmas with my nearly-family, I was missing something. I sighed, thinking of Kris. I would have loved spending our first Christmas as couple together. Maybe the next time...


We all got up. It was early, too early. Luna was shouting out of joy. 7:30 a.m., during holidays, it's not legal...

Luna needed some assistance to open her present (she did not get that the paper was not the present itself...), so we all ended sitting on the ground, helping her.

"Hey, Katrina, I think this one is for you!" Artem said, handing me a box.

"From Kris," I read, a smile forming on my lips. Now I'm getting excited. I saw Mia started recording, but I didn't care. I opened meticulously the paper.

It was a book. I opened to the first page. I could recognize his handwriting anywhere.

"I'm not really inspired, to be honest, moja Katrina.

I just want to say that I love you.

And that's why I did this album."

Every page was filled with photo of us, accompanied with some texts, poems and quotes. I wandered through the pages for half an hour, remembering all these memories. I must be smiling stupidly.

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now