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Kris's Point of View

I was standing, alone, in the airport. I arrived too early, again... She'll be there in just an hour. Each and every minute passing is killing me. Knowing that she's nearly there makes me... Just so excited. Life is not the same since I met her.

She is lightening my days; thinking of her makes me smile, having her in my arms makes my heart beat. I feel alive when I'm by her side.

The plane lands, I can see it through the windows. Soon I'll see her.

After a few minutes, people begin to invade the airport, with their bags everywhere. The noise became louder and louder, now nobody could hear the other speaking. But I didn't care.

I was searching in the crowd my unique and precious girl. I soon noticed her; her dark hair was unmissable. A wide smile appeared on my face, as I walked towards her. She turned her head and saw me; her eyes were lit with joy. She walked even faster, and stopped only when she had me in her arms.

"I missed you Kris," I heard her say, the sound muffled in my shirt.

"And I missed you too, Kat'," I laid my cheek over her head, wrapping my arms around her. It felt good, felling her against me. "Come on, we have many things to do!" I took her hand, and she nodded with a big smile.

"I'm excited now!" She was walking joyfully, looking like an excited little girl. She was so cute I could die by her smile.

She has come now a few times to Ljubljana, but she never had stayed long enough to visit. And she already told me she wanted to discover more of our history. So I booked some tickets for my favourite museum; I know she will like it.


It was definitely worth it. We stayed in the museum for hours, and I got to explain her some of our history and traditions. I could see in her eyes she was noting mentally everything I told her.

I discovered that Katrina has always been into history; she told me it was her best grades at school, besides music. She knew a big part of Europe history by heart, and it always surprises me how she speaks about it with so much passion and admiration.

After that we went into a café; it was still very cold outside and her hand were getting blue (because she forgot to take her gloves). I just gently took them and stroke them with my thumbs.

She smiled, looking around her.

"I could stay here forever," she said, now looking at me.


"Really," she giggled, I joined her. "It's a beautiful country, with so much history. And a totally different culture, that I love. People are so nice too. And I would be with you."

"You could stay." I told her. I really hoped she would. Living so far from each other is too hard.

"I can consider that," she smiled playfully, and closed her fingers over mine. Oh God, if she could stay here forever...


We spent the night watching films, cuddling. She was lying on me, nearly asleep. I ran my hand through her hair. She seemed at peace, so calm against my chest.

"What does that mean?" she asked, with a sleepy voice.


"It's in Slovenian, what does "za vedno" means?" She lifted up her head so she could see me.

"It means "forever"," I told her. "I didn't notice it was in Slovenian, you could've told me."

"It's a good training," she said, yawning. "In France I can't find any film in Slovene."

"And you understood?"

"Half of it..." she sighed. "They speak really fast. Sometimes I imagine I speak well, then I hear a native speaking and I question all my life choices." I couldn't help but laughing at her annoyed tone.

"I think you speak really well. It's not an easy language, you know?" I caressed her cheek. "And it's not that easy to learn it, since it's not a language spoken outside Slovenia."

"Hum, whatever. It's a bit frustrating. Sometimes I want to give up." She pouted.

"But I love it hen you speak Slovene to me," she can't resist my puppy eyes. It's her weak spot.

"Ugh fine, ne bom obupala. To je samo zate." She smiled. (Ugh fine, I will not give up. But that's only for you).

"Yayyy I love you!" I tightened our hug. "You're really amazing."

"Yeah, I'm incredible."

"And modest."

"Of course I am." She took my hand in hers, and for a moment, just watched it, without saying anything. "I'm glad for having you in my life." Our eyes met again. I could stare at her blue iris four hours if I could. "You're the most incredible thing that happened in my life, and I would do anything to be with you a minute more."

She obviously saw my eyes watering; I couldn't hide it. She meant the world to me, but I couldn't put it into words. She put her hand on my cheek.

"Hey schat," she smiled softly, wiping my cheek. "Don't cry, I only said that I loved you," she giggled so softly, it was like a murmur.

"You're too good for this world," I buried my head in her hair. I waited a moment, just savouring feeling her heartbeat against me. "I love you too."

I heard no answer; only her calm breath. I smiled. She really was my precious. I need to protect her at all costs.

Hello, I'm so sorry for this short chapter... I ran out of chapter ready to publish unfortunately... Usually I always have 2 or 3 ready... Sorry again...

Hopefully, the next coming is gonna be a bit more interesting. I'm not satisfied with this one so I hope it'll get better for the following...

Injured - Kris GuštinWhere stories live. Discover now