Chapter 7

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The next morning you woke up in Fire's arms. You were a bit confused when you suddenly found yourself in bed instead of in the bathtub. You must have fallen asleep pretty deeply that you didn't notice how Fire took you out of the bathtub and dressed you.

Since Fire once again held you so tightly in his arm that you couldn't even stretch, you lay there squeezed in. You were quickly bored, which is why you played with his hair while he just growled to himself. "How can you sleep so long... and so deep too." you muttered as you tried to move at least a little as you realized what you just said, since you could say the same thing to yourself.

"Can. You. Finally. Wake." you said as you gave him a kiss on the lips each time, hoping to somehow get him awake. With the last kiss, you felt his hand in the back of your head pulling you back and how he started to smile.

Since he finally let you loose after the kiss, you slid a little to the side and enjoyed your freedom. Sleepily, he turned his head to you, still with the sweetest smile on his lips. "Is that how you will wake me up when I am you husband?" he laughed, which made you start smirking. "If you want to." you gave him another kiss before getting up and going to the bathroom, now that you finally had the chance.

Back in bed you just talked some more about last night and how excited you were for the wedding. It was a nice feeling to lie here next to him, the man you love so much. He just looked so handsome in the morning, with his tousled hair and his bear voice. So much you would like to just stop time and stay in this atmosphere forever. It was just perfect.

From all the emotions, you got a little touched, which is why you snuggled up to Fire and put your head on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" he asked you as he put his arm around you and gently stroked your cheek. Your hand found room on his chest as you turned your head up to look at him. "I just love you so much and the moment is just so beautiful here right now." you looked into the most beautiful eyes as you were like dreamy. He started to smile which made your heart more addicted to him every time. "I love you too. I look forward to lying here with you every morning." without you agreeing, it then became silent and you just lay there enjoying each other existence when Fire played a little with your hair.

"I think I'm going to the bathroom too." he said as he rolled over you first, as you were lying on the side where the bathroom was. Annoyed, you exhaled as Fire always does it when he has to go to the bathroom, always annoying you every time. "You couldn't have walked those extra few feet?" you asked him when he finally made it out of bed. "Nope." he said coolly with a laugh as he disappeared into the bathroom.

When he came back into the room, you looked at him in shock as you had the perfect view of his upper body. "What, do I look that bad in the morning already?" he asked confused as you held a hand over your mouth trying not to start laughing. " night...I made your body...apparently into an art piece..oops."

Fire was still confused as he walked over to his mirror. "Are you kidding me? What did you do to me last night?" He turned towards the mirror and also saw his back, which was very scratched up from you and had hickies all over it, which were pretty obvious. "It didn't look so bad yesterday," you tried to apologize somehow.

"Actually, it does look's a way to see how much you love me. I'll show the others." Fire's eyes sparkled as he threw on a loose shirt, barely covering any of the artwork as he was already gone, heading for the cafeteria. Fire has really managed to make you feel ashamed now instead of him. Because you were just embarrassed when he told everyone what you did to him last night.

You hid under your blanket for a while when you dared to go down to breakfast because you were really hungry and you didn't care about the embarrassment.

Downstairs in the cafeteria it wasn't even bad, they thought it was rather cool what you did.

The closer the wedding got, the less you could sit still. You stressed yourself out the whole time with making sure everything was going according to plan and that everything was taken care of that needed to be taken care of. You never stressed yourself out so much that Fire himself was confused too seeing you like this. He was more relaxed than ever that you were starting to get jealous of him.

In that week before the wedding you barely managed to sleep more than 5h through the night, that you already missed the common mornings just lying in bed with him and talking.

In 2 days is already the wedding, when you then but once noticed that Fire is nervous. You had to smile, when you just prepared the location and you saw again and again how Fire could hardly hold back from joy, but he did not want to admit it. You had given him the task of folding the napkins when you saw him just standing there and dreaming. You snuggled up to him when he was startled that you were suddenly there. "Are you nervous already?" you smirked as Fire just started folding the napkin again, as if the break had never happened. "No... I... just took a quick break."

"Ah ok... I thought so... but hurry up... we have to go to the dance school to practice our dance!" you said as you gave him a kiss on the cheek and went on helping Cirrus with the plates.

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