Chapter 39

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*3rd person pov*
Fire just came out of the bushes and was getting dressed again. When he just closed the zipper, he felt that something was strange. A quick glance, in the direction where Air was about to go, confirmed his strange feeling.

He saw two dark-clad guys behind Aice, but couldn't quite make out what they were doing there. "Air will beat them... she's a chosen one..." Fire thought, but he was proven wrong a moment later, when Aice fell to her knees and cried out a little in pain.

Fire's blood froze in his veins as his whole body and thoughts stopped functioning. He just felt a twinge in his stomach, which was right where Aice grabbed his stomach, as if he had just stuck a knife there himself. He felt sick and dizzy, but he knew he had to do something.

Unconsciously, his body was occupying itself when the rest still wasn't working. He didn't even realize he was yelling something to the guys when they started walking in his direction a little later. Again he said something, making the guys even more aggressive.

He wasn't even aware that the two guys were armed and were clearly more muscular than he was. Fire's body was doing all the action. It seemed as if he was not even aware of the whole situation. So he didn't notice how he was getting closer and closer to the guys and he was getting more and more aggressive, when he himself suddenly started to grow and took a different stance. He suddenly walked on four legs and became hairier. The guys in front of him became smaller and smaller, when at some point he cast a light shadow on them.

Fire turned into a Hellhound. Just as Aice turned into a wolf, he turned into a Hellhound.

The two guys also noticed that Fire was not a normal ghoul as they started walking in the other direction. But Fire had immediately grabbed the one guy without any problems, who was hanging between his fangs with his sweaters and swinging around.

Fire let the guy fall out of his mouth when he had enough momentum and let him slam hard against a tree, when a little later a motionless body lay on the ground. The other guy, who tried to escape, was also grabbed by Fire and then thrown against a tree.

A wild flame seethed in Fire, which abruptly diminished when the danger was over. Only now did his brain begin to function again, as he became aware of what had just happened here.

He was completely horrified when he became a Hellhound for the first time and he had just defeated two guys. He was still missing a few parts, however, as he wondered why he had eliminated them when Aice suddenly came into his head. He immediately ran to Aice, who was lying unconscious on the floor with a knife in her stomach and a small puddle of blood. His heart broke into thousands of pieces when he saw her lying there. With his muzzle he nudged her a little, hoping she would show some emotion, but nothing happened. He feebbed as he settled down next to her.

Properly explain why she could have been hurt all of a sudden, he had not. He felt nothing from her. No aura. No soul. No life. Was she really dead? Should Fire really rush her to the church now, only to hear from Terzo that he can't do anything and only confirm her death? It's not worth it. But Fire somehow couldn't believe she was really dead. Something stopped him from believing it.

He was lying next to her, watching her the whole time, when all of a sudden a disgusting smell caught his attention. Looking closely, he recognized a cloth next to her head. The cloth was strange to him. With his teeth he put the cloth in front of his paws, when he looked closer at it. That was the smell that caused him the slight dizziness. Quickly he burned the cloth and quickly blew the ashes away, hoping that the smell would go away.

"Isn't that Chosen Aice on the floor there!" "Yes it is! What happened!?" "Then who is the chosen one there with her?" "Two chosen ones!?" "Who is that?" "What happened to the chosen one Aice?"

Loud and many voices were suddenly at the park entrance. What had just happened here was not exactly quiet, causing many who live around here to wake up immediately. Fire panicked as all the people came closer and closer and then started filming you and taking pictures.

"F-Fire?" a faint voice was suddenly next to Fire as Aice showed emotion. His pulse started to rise right away as he panicked, still not knowing how to handle the situation right now. He quickly grabbed Aice carefully between his teeth and started to run away. Faintly, one could still hear the screams, which asked to stay here.

With quick steps he ran through the streets and just tried to get back to the church. All the time he had the feeling that people were following him, which put him under even more stress.

He finally arrived back on earth when he ran straight to Aice's place. This was just closer than the church. He could already feel himself starting to shrink and change back, which made him hurry even more to get Aice there.

He barely managed to put her down there when he looked like a ghoul again. Immediately he knelt down to her and put an arm under her back, supporting her a little. Aice had sweat beading on her face as he could tell she was in terrible pain.

"Hey all right? It's me. Fire." he said as Aice was still squeezing her eyes shut in pain and biting her lips hard as her breathing was also pretty fast. Fire tore off a piece of his shirt and used it to wipe the sweat from Aice's forehead as she tried to say something and deal with the pain.

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