Chapter 11

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*Aice's pov*
You had finally arrived when you then stood in front of the church. Your ghoulettes then walked in when it was just the three of you. "I just still can't believe you guys are getting married now... thinking back to how it all started... never would I have thought that an IceGhoul and a FireGhoul could fall in love... ah... I'm just so happy for you guys." never have you seen Copia so excited and emotional that you then just hugged him. "You guys made it all're just so important to me.... Thank you for everything." your voice trembled as you hugged Terzo too and tried not to start crying again.

"I love you so much's still hard for me to officially hand you over to Fire now...but he will take care of you just like we did and even better." you continued to walk into the church when the time came.

To your left stood Copia while Terzo stood on the right. Actually you wanted to hold your bouquet, but somehow it seemed strange to you when you could only half hold two important people because you were busy with the bouquet. That's why you put it aside, because it just felt right to you.

You then looked if your dress sits right while you were still standing in front of a closed door. Your legs were jello, your hands were shaking while your heart felt like it was jumping out of your chest. Not far from you stands your dream man and waits only for you.

"Ready?" Terzo asked you from the side as you took another deep breath and nodded. You locked your arms with them as the music started to play a little later. You couldn't believe that it was really starting. It was the most beautiful moment of your life.

The door opened as you stood there for a moment. You wanted to manage not to cry, but when you saw Fire, how he looked at you with trembling lips and started to cry, it was also over with you.

*Fire's pov
You could hear your heart beating. So many times you fixed your outfit and made sure that everything really fits, when the music started to play and the door opened. There she stood. There stood Air in the most beautiful dress you have ever seen. Immediately you started crying when you saw her.

In front of your eyes, your story played in your head. What you've been through and survived. What you have experienced and made nonsense together. The mornings in bed together. How often she drove you crazy and annoyed you. And now she stands there in the dress ready to do something infinite with such a beautiful smile on her lips.

You have often dreamed of her walking down the aisle. But now to experience it yourself... no one could have imagined it so well. It was way better.

You didn't even notice that Terzo and Copia brought her to the front because you only had eyes for your princess. "Take good care of her." they told you as they then handed Air to you. She was standing right in front of you. You felt like she was freezing your whole body. You couldn't move as your skin tingled everywhere her hands touched you.

"Hey." she said tearfully as her two-tone eyes burned through your soul and you wanted most to hold that perfect face in your hand. You wanted to say something too, but you couldn't find the words. When she smiled even more it completely blew your mind wondering how your legs could even hold you.

You then sat down as you held her hand tightly in yours, never wanting to let go. You had to admit that you barely listened the whole time, but only had eyes for Air and were still very touched by how beautiful she looked.

*Aice's pov*
Terzo and Copia handed you over to Fire as he looked at you with sparkling eyes. He just looked so damn good in that suit. Your head felt like it exploded as you realized that this is your man and he's yours.

You were so moved the whole time by how tightly and securely Fire held your hand. All too soon the time passed as you stood up and the rings were brought to you. Fire took the ring first as he tried to put it on your hand with shaky hands. You had to smile when Fire finally did it and he exhaled in relief.

After that, you grabbed the ring and took Fire's hand in yours. "My lovely Fire. You made me your girlfriend as you then marked me as yours. After all the shit we've been trough you decided to made me your fiancé. But now it's finally my turn. I'll mark you as mine." you said as you looked deep into Fire's eyes and spoke from the depths of your heart. You put the ring on Fire's hand as you put your hands on his head and neck and a little later your teeth were in his neck.

*Fire's pov*
After you finally got it to make the ring on her finger, it was her turn. You were nervous that she would finally get to mark you as hers and you would finally get to wear her bite mark. You looked deep into her eyes as she spoke to you with full love and trust. She put the ring on your finger when her hands were already on your neck.

Her breath touched your neck that you got goose bumps when then her teeth were in your neck. You got a little dizzy and had the feeling of fainting, when a violent energy flowed through your veins, which felt like an electric shock. In your body there was a violent storm with an icy coldness, as if Air has you under its spell.

Eventually the symptoms lessened and you felt yourself returning to normal as Air's teeth were out of your throat and she smiled at you with her bloody fangs, still completely mesmerized by just now.

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