Chapter 22

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"What did you do?" you asked, while you were still very confused how he managed to break the sink.

"I have no idea... really... I just wanted to lean easily..." he looked helplessly at you with a tear of despair in his eye. You took the few pieces of china from his hand and half-heartedly tried to arm him, while you had to watch not to step on the china. "Before I clean this up, at least let me finish braiding your hair. Can you give me the hair tie then?" You left the sink like that for now and went back to picking up the braid Fire had started and continuing to finish it. Fire was then about to give you the hair tie when it snapped in his hand.

Fire cursed as he tore two more hair ties, which is why you then tried to take one out of the box and tightened his braid. "Thank you. I guess I should get back to bed...who knows what else I'll break." Fire was still very pressed as he was about to leave but you stopped him by grabbing his wrist. "Air please...let go of me...I don't want to break you too." "Fire... You're not laying down now again. We're about to go out to the garden or something. But before that, we have to tell Copia first. Ok?" Fire just nodded as you gave him a kiss on the lips from which you saw a small smile on his lips, which he didn't want to show.

You briefly put the few pieces together a bit while Fire sat on the bed again and waited for you. Together you then made your way to Copia, while you felt that Fire was feeling a little better. He was still very slow on his feet, though, so it took you a little while to turn into the hallway to Copia's office. You were a little startled when your phone rang. What did hell want from you?

Fire said something, but you didn't hear it because you answered the phone. "Yes Hello?" "Aice. Your help is urgently needed. Hell is in danger!" You didn't even have a chance to answer as the one who called you already hung up. "Fire... I gotta go quick-" you turned to Fire to let him know as he looked at you askance for a moment before his legs slumped away and he fell unconscious into your arms. "Fuck." you cursed out loud.

You can't just leave Fire lying here passed out in the hallway without help right now, but hell need you right now. You started calling for help, hoping that someone would come, while Fire was still in your arms, not showing any sign of movement. Taking him to the infirmary now would take too long.

So when a door opened and you heard footsteps, it was like a small release for you as you were already seeing Copia. "What's wrong Aice?" he asked you, but by then you were quickly gone, knowing someone was there to take care of Fire. "I have to go quickly. Please check on Fire." you shouted through the whole hallway, when you were already at the exit.

Outside in the church, you could already feel yourself growing taller as you ran with quick steps to Hell. Arriving at SatansPoint, you were shocked at what was going on. You tried to get a quick overview of the situation in order to fight the smartest way. A part of the city was on fire, while many people tried to fight against the bad guys somehow, but many failed.

With a strategy and Fire in mind, you started to fight against them.

*Copia's pov*
You heard screaming in the hallway, so you quickly jumped up from behind your desk and went to check it out. In the hallway, Aice was calling for help when you realized how Fire was lying unconscious on the floor. Aice looked very frantic and panicked at the same time as you ran to him, but by then she was already running away from Fire. "I have to go quickly. Please check on Fire." She called out but by then she was already far away.

You knelt down to Fire and tried to help him somehow. He was pretty pale in his face while not looking his best. Since the whole situation was super confusing for you right now, you first brought Fire to the infirmary with the help of Aether, since they know better what to do.

The nurses themselves can't explain what's wrong with Fire, because even though he has a cold, he's physically more than fit. When Terzo heard about it, he was also immediately with you in the infirmary.

"What happened?" he asked as he glanced over at Fire and made up his own mind. "Aice was yelling for help the whole time. Then when I ran to them, Aice immediately ran away and said she had to go fast. What exactly happened to Fire, she didn't say. The only thing I know is that Fire has not been well since this morning, but you were there this morning at breakfast when she told it. The nurses said that there was no connection and that something else was going on with him," you explained to your brother.

"But where would Aice go so fast that she couldn't help Fire?" asked Aether, confused. You were thinking about it when it suddenly occurred to you. It occurred to Terzo at that moment, too, as you looked at each other in shock. "Hell must be in danger."

Your pulse started to rise a little. Hell is in danger and Aice is the only one who can stop it right now. And then there's also something going on with Fire that no one can explain.

Terzo wanted to give Fire a potion that would hopefully make Fire feel better. He disappeared for a moment because he had to get it from his office, so it was just you and Aether for a while.

"But actually it was very nice of Aice that she didn't just leave Fire on the floor, but only left when she really knew that someone was looking after him," Aether started to talk. "Oh yeah... that was really nice of her. Otherwise I wouldn't have noticed that anything had happened. Who knows how long he would be lying there. I just really hope that Aice doesn't have much trouble in hell and that she comes back healthy. At least hell could report how bad the situation is right now, but that may take time for now." "Aice is more than strong enough, she'll be fine. Terzo give Fire the potion now and then everything will be fine and we'll go back to living normally."

You smirk as Aether so happily told you about it when your brother came back. "So here I am. This should wake Fire right up." Terzo gave Fire the potion as the room grew quiet and you waited tensely for Fire to wake up.

But somehow nothing happened. Nothing.

Confused and at the same time speechless, Terzo, who was standing next to Fire's bed, turned to you. " know that there is only one thing that is possible when no one responds to my potions." "But...that...that can't be true!?"

What could it be?👀
What happened to Fire?👀

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