Chapter 62

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Some time passed again and the situation calmed down a bit. This meant that your annual dinner, which the city organizes for the participating members, could take place. That was one of the good things. Because the restaurant was damn expensive and you didn't have to pay anything.

You started to take Fire with you from time to time when you went on patrols in the forest or on smaller missions in the town. He himself was totally full of energy as he was finally able to accompany you. It was also a bit relaxed for you, as you could give him the occasional silly task, which he still thought was cool. But as long as he doesn't complain, that will continue to be the case.

"Fire are you coming? We have to be at the restaurant by 7 p.m." Once again, you assumed that he had messed up the appointment. "7? I thought 8? Yes, I'm getting ready. And don't look at me with your 'did you really forget the appointment' face again... next time I'll remember... I promise." With Fire, you couldn't really get angry when he forgot something because you could always tease him about getting old and forgetful.

But he came with me straight away and you were able to get changed again. You put on your pantsuit with a corset underneath while Fire put on one of his jackets. The dinner was, if only because of the restaurant, demanding good clothes.

But you were also looking forward to the evening, because it was like a date for you and Fire. Well, at least to some extent.

After a bit of stress, you set off and arrived quite early. You stood briefly outside the restaurant and chatted with other "employees". But you didn't really understand each other. The one guy thinks he's better than everyone else. In one of the last meetings, he said privately that he would do much better as the chosen one than you and that you just didn't want Fire with you so that you wouldn't be out of the light because men are much better than women. But he doesn't share this opinion when Fire is suddenly standing next to you. He even tries to suck up to you. Fire and you hate him because you told him all about it, of course, which is why Fire automatically hated him either. You stood proudly next to each other and felt much taller than him.

The rest finally arrived and you were able to go in together in a group. However, you were left behind as you were approached by young women who wanted a photo with you.

Fire wanted to save you a seat, but you finished so quickly that the others were just about to sit down. You sat opposite each other, which made you very happy. Fire had just started to speak when someone interrupted you. You had never seen this person before. He was very young and seemed a bit nervous. "Hey... is there still room here?" "eh... sure..." a little overwhelmed, you scooted your chair to the side so that he could sit down next to you.

"Oh, how silly of me not to have introduced myself. I'm Tim, one of the mayor's younger children. I'm new in town because I grew up with my mom. I'm an IceGhoul... so are you... Aice... right?" "That's right. I'm also part IceGhoul. How cool!" "That's right, you two are really cool."

And so you talked, and not even a little. It was really interesting to hear from him. You got on really well straight away. At last you had found someone you could talk to about your IceGhoul experiences who also understood you. You could have talked to him for a long time. In any case, you're already looking forward to the next sessions when he's there too. So maybe it won't be boring after all.

He quickly became a good friend to you, but he didn't even come close to Fire.

*Fire's pov*

You sat there. And you were allowed to watch. Watching Air just happily talking to a guy she's only known since tonight. You felt superfluous that you were about to just leave. You were actually looking forward to the evening so you could have an indirect date with Air, but she seemed otherwise occupied.

"I'm going to the bathroom," you said quietly, but Air overheard, which surprised you a little. When you arrived in the bathroom, you were totally flashed by how beautiful it looked. You looked at every little detail you could find that you almost forgot you wanted to pee.

You could actually go back, but you didn't really want to. You leaned against the sink and propped your hands up next to you. Your gaze was directed downwards and you weren't thinking at that moment. You really did. You just existed.

Someone opened the door, but you didn't really pay attention. But when you heard the clacking of high heels, you looked in that direction. "Air?". You stood back on your feet and turned to her. "You do know that only men are allowed in here?" She still hadn't said anything, but was still looking deep into your eyes with a look on her face that you couldn't interpret.

"You do realize that this Tim can never get a whiff of what you have?" you had question marks in your head, which Air also saw. "Fire... you're the man I love and no other man can achieve what you have. I just find Tim very likeable, that's all. So please don't hide in the toilet."

She smiled so that you forgot all your excitement and had to smile too. She stood in front of you so that you could put your hands on her hips again. Just as you were about to kiss, someone came in. Air turned in that direction and only then did the man change from a confused to disgusted look on his face. "What? I have a tail too... look..." blurted Air icily as she presented her tail. The man just quietly walked on as she turned back to you.

Your smile went wide across your cheeks as you both started laughing because of just that. That's why you just love Air so much.

You had a quick kiss before walking back hand in hand to where Tim was waiting. Suddenly he wasn't that bad anymore and the three of you had a conversation.

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