Chapter 27

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Since the forest floor was getting really uncomfortable, you sat down on some small rocks that were there. You just talked a little while you put your arm around Air's back and she put her head on your shoulder.

Air was just talking a little joyfully about Toast as she was also trying to explain a little with her hands. With a huge smile you looked at her as your heart beat faster.

Air was just talking all the time when you noticed something. "Um... just a quick question. Sorry if I'm interrupting you for a second. But aren't you wearing your wedding ring anymore?" you pointed to her right ring finger where you could only see the imprint of her ring.

Air looked at you confused at first, then looked at her hand and realized she wasn't wearing her ring. Panicked, she got up from the stone and looked for her ring. "Oh no... I must have lost it somewhere..." you felt her guilt for losing her ring in her voice.

"But how could you have done that when it was actually fitted to your finger?" you asked her as she was still looking for the ring. "I must have lost it somehow else... maybe I got stuck somewhere?" you pondered a bit how it could have happened as you came up with a possible explanation.

"When you were fighting in hell, did you hurt your finger somehow or something? Maybe it fell off there?" Air stopped as she than looked to you. "That's right... someone tried to bite my paw... oh man... how can I manage to lose our ring?" Air's voice began to tremble as her eyes glazed over.

You stood right in front of her and put your hands to her cheek. "'s no big deal. Don't blame yourself, it can happen to anyone. You didn't want to actually get rid of it now, did you?" you looked at her again with a played serious face. Maybe she really wanted to get rid of the ring and of your marriage... how knows?

Air's tears landed on your hand as she started to laugh and her glassy eyes looked at you. Her smile enchanted you as you fell more and more in love with her and you wanted to kiss her and show her how crazy she makes you.

"Shall we go back slowly? Then maybe we can go take a shower together and then cuddle up in our bed and maybe watch a movie?" you suggested, even though it's still noon, trying to bring Air to other thoughts. The suggestion pleased her as she just nodded and then you walked back while holding hands. Even though Air knew you didn't have a problem that she lost your ring, you noticed how she still felt guilty and racked her brain over it.

Since you walked ahead a bit and she was rather a bit behind you, you abruptly stopped as she dreamily ran into you. "Is what?" she tried to look happy as she tried to suppress her thoughts.

"I can feel you still worrying..." you looked at her with a face that she knew lying wouldn't help. "It's just sad that I lost our ring even though we haven't even been married that long. That I can even lose it..." she avoided your gaze, which made you put your hands to her cheek again. "Air... just because you lost your ring doesn't mean we're separated. The ring is just there so you always have something of mine with you. I don't love you less now. So... don't worry! Such thoughts are no longer tolerated today!" you looked at her seriously, when she nodded and gave you a kiss.

The shower together was really breathtaking. Only you took so long that you didn't have time to start the movie, because then there was already dinner. Air wanted to sit a little away from the others, so you sat somewhere in a corner at a table of two and ate there. You held your free hand together on the table, when this silence between you was exactly what you both needed.

The others would come up to you from time to time and ask you or Air something, but otherwise it was always just you. You had the feeling that Copia at some point told the others not to come to you anymore and to leave us alone.

After dinner you made your way back up to your room and didn't wait long when you were already cuddled up together and started the Film. The first Film you had quickly watched.

Air was also still awake and you have talked again from time to time.

In the second movie, about halfway through, you felt Air's head getting heavier on your chest and she tightened her grip around your waist as you noticed that she fell asleep.

Gently you stroked her head and played a little with her hair, while you were still looking for something on your phone, before you stopped the Film then and snuggled up to Air.

It passed again a short time before you finally made it and came to train your strength. You always agreed that Air would go to the forest around 3pm and you would come after her at 4pm so that she could train herself again. Well, so she claimed. It was probably just an excuse for her to mentally prepare for you.

Because the first time wad the worst time. Even trying to separate between Fire and Wind was really hard. You ones even accidentally burned Air a bit.

When Air told about the two powers you were slightly confused how hard she says this is but now you can confirm that this is more than hard.

You came along very fast and were proud when you realise that you can control two powers and are special.

Air told you a lot about the wind power and you wanted to listen to her for hours. You were a little sad that she had no idea about firepower, otherwise she could have explained it to you again from the beginning. She is the best teacher and this is just the beginning...

You had just finished another successful training session when you were about to leave for home. Unconsciously, you brushed your hand past your bag when you felt the small box and remembered what you were going to do with it.

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