Chapter 16

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You didn't realize how quickly time passed. It was already midnight. The DJ announced the bridal bouquet throwing, as you women all a short time later stood on the free area. You stood grinning with your bouquet and looking forward to throwing it.
The DJ turned on a song and you women had to sing along, of course, when you turned your back to them and always hinted at throwing. At some point you threw it and a little later it was in Cirrus' hand. Everyone cheered when Cirrus turned to Mountain, who was hiding behind Swiss, so that you all had to laugh.

You all played some more wedding games together with full joy as it got a little quieter on the dance floor. You put your legs on Fire's lap while half hiding him with your dress again. You just sat there in silence enjoying the time as you briefly glanced over to the dance floor. There, Cirrus and Mountain were dancing together. You continued to watch for a bit as you were a little moved by them. Everything was still new to them and they are just beginning to walk a path together and experience the same. What they still have ahead of them. Briefly you thought back to the first time you danced with Fire, or rather you tried it and it was still very fresh with you but you were so happy and in love looking forward the future.

Fire caught your touched look, so he immediately grinned and asked you if you wanted to dance with him. You smiled the whole time as you danced next to them and later they looked at you with sparkling eyes, hoping that one day they will be this.

It got more crowded on the dance floor afterwards, when slowly a few guests made their way home. You were even still relatively fit when you just danced a bit with Copia. At some point it was just your small group from the church. The DJ was gone at some point, so you played your own music with a small jukebox.

You sat in a small circle and talked a little bit. Fire sat on your lap, because it would not be possible otherwise, as you put your arms around his waist and put your head a bit on his back.

It was a strange feeling when all the long planning and everything around it was now slowly coming to an end.

"Shall we go home slowly now?" Terzo asked into the stanchion, when he was already totally exhausted and desperately needed sleep. "I think that's a good idea. Aice Fire do you two want to go alone or should we give you a ride somehow?" Rain mumbled even half asleep as he stood up on his shaky legs and started to put on his jacket. "I think we'll go alone, I guess..." Fire looked questioningly at you, but you just nodded.

You all said your goodbyes together as Fire walked to the car with the others for a moment. You stood in the doorway and welcomed Fire with open arms as he came back to you. Briefly you stood there just enjoying the quiet as you went back inside for a moment.

Fire had you by his hand when you stopped short that he also stopped and turned to you. "Will you dance with me again? One last time? Just us?" you asked as you had your cell phone in your hand and your wedding song was already playing. Fire grinned as you danced together again without any guests, just the two of you.

The song wasn't very loud, as it only came through the small jukebox, but that enchanted the moment even more.

It was such a special moment while you were looking deep into Fire's eyes and there was your future sitting inside. When the song was over, you walked to the car together with a huge smile and hand in hand. While you were sitting there in the passenger seat, you realized how tired you were and were already looking forward to being in bed with your husband.

At the church it was quiet as the fresh wind blew around you. You were already a bit ahead when you thought back to something your brother once told you. "Actually, you'd have to carry me over the threshold, or the evil monsters will chase me home." you joke as Fire arrived at the door as well. "Says the evil monster herself. You're more likely to chase them away." Fire shouted coldly as he started laughing and you stood speechless next to him.

Then when he unlocked the door, you were about to go in when Fire took you all at once.

Romantically Fire carried you over the threshold and wanted to go further, but since you were a little heavier with the dress, a little later you both lay on the floor. Laughing, you then helped Fire up when you suddenly noticed the rose petals and little lights on the floor. "Aww they are cute." you said as he noticed them too.

You have been following the rose petals which led you to Fire's, or now rather your, room. You went into your room and threw yourself on the bed as good as you could with your dress on breathing heavily.

You looked at Fire, who was holding something in his hand and standing in front of you.

You sat up straight and saw a small package in his hand. "This is from me to you." he said a bit shyly as he handed it to you. He sat down next to you as you started to open it.

Inside the package was another smaller package. When you opened that too, a bracelet came out. It was plain and just like a bent piece of ribbon, but it looked so damn beautiful.

"That bracelet is so beautiful!" you leaned your head on Fire's shoulder as your eyes grew watery. "Look closer!" laughed Fire, which you then did.

There was something engraved in the bracelet. "Fires Perfect Girl." you smirked as you were about to put it on and there was something engraved inside too. "... and perfect Toy." shocked you looked at Fire and had to start laughing right away. "I love it!" you grinned as you put it on and proudly presented it to Fire. "It looks really good on you!" beamed Fire when he saw how happy the bracelet made him.

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