Chapter 48

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You told them the whole story in peace and quiet before coming up with some wild theories that don't make any sense. While you were telling them, Mountain and Copia joined you and heard about it too.

It was like a big round of mourning when you were sitting there and everyone had a broken heart. At some point you had nothing more to say to each other, so you broke up the group and tried to move on. You could only wait for Fire, who was the only one who knew the whole story.

You did try to do the tasks you wanted to do today. But somehow nothing worked. No matter how many times you tried, or tried to simply suppress these thoughts, it just didn't work. At some point, you abandoned your tasks when there was no point anyway and wanted to sit down in the living room in silence. You assumed that there might be one or two ghouls lurking around that you could distract yourself with. But when you entered the living room, it was like the second group meeting of the day.

Everyone looked up at you and could only smile when they realized that you had exactly the same plan as the rest of the church. Then you just sat down.

You even managed to start a conversation. At the beginning it was still very tough and quite uncomfortable, but towards the end it was really fun to talk to your friends. When it was time for dinner, you went there as a group and continued your conversation. Afterwards, you and your friends were able to distract yourselves a bit when you decided to have an overnight party at Cumulus.

*Fire's pov*
You slowly woke up when you had no orientation. It was dark, which is why you thought you were just going to take a nap, but didn't wake up until 8 hours later. But you were sitting on a chair, so it couldn't have been a nap.

You tried to find your way around the room as your eyes slowly began to adjust. More and more you could make out faint outlines as your memories came back into your head.

A soft purr drew your attention in that direction as you saw Air sleeping quietly on the bed, still holding your hand tightly in hers.

Tears came to your eyes as you heard her quiet breathing, which calmed you in a way. You briefly watched and listened to your wife sleep as you planned to leave her room. Your stomach was empty and your throat dry.

But as soon as you tried to take your hand out of hers, she woke up and looked at you with wry eyes as her head was full of questions. You gave her the moment to get her bearings as you sat there silently and just kept watching her. "What time is it?" from her voice, you could hear how her throat was dry too.

"I don't know..." you said, shrugging your shoulders. Air briefly let go of your hand to stretch, before straightening her blanket a little and wrapping it tighter around herself. She then took your hand in hers again as her eyes looked at you in the darkness. You sat nervously in your chair, not knowing what to say or whether you should just go on living normally after this shit what happened.

"Shall I get us a drink?" you asked carefully as you tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and gave her a little kiss on her forehead. "Gladly." she said as she let go of your hand and let you go this time.

Carefully, you got up and made your way to the door, hoping you wouldn't run into anything. You felt your way forward with your hands as you found the handle of the door.

For a brief moment, you thought you were going blind. After you opened the door, you looked into the damn bright hallway. You briefly covered your eyes with your hand until your eyes got used to it again. From behind you, all you heard was your nagging wife telling you to close the door again because of the brightness.

You were walking slowly down the corridor when you looked briefly into the window of a room and saw how physically exhausted you looked. Your hair was sticking up in all directions because you forgot to comb it after the shower. Even though you were no longer tired, you still had dark-rimmed eyes, as if you had forgotten to remove your make-up and then gone to sleep or didn't sleep for 4 days.

But you didn't care what you looked like. With the hairtie on your arm, you somehow tied your hair up and left the infirmary and walked towards the kitchen. Your eyes were fixed on the floor the whole time as rays of sunlight landed on your body. Confused, you looked up and saw the sun was about to set. You were confused because it was pitch black in Air's room, like it was the middle of the night.

With the question in your head, you continued walking towards the kitchen as the few rays of sunlight that shone through the windows where you were walking warmed you up a little.

In the kitchen itself, you went straight to the large drinks fridge. Everyone always has two or three bottles of their favorite drink in this fridge, as they simply taste best when chilled and so that no one has to squeeze their drink anywhere on the food. This is why we got an extra fridge for it.

With your bottle and Air's bottle under your arm, you then slipped out of the kitchen again. Just as you were about to open the door and just reach for the handle, the door opened and you jerked awake a little. This startled you so much that every cell that wasn't really awake before was now awake.

Surprised, you then looked at Copia's tear-stained face as he furrowed his eyebrows when he saw you. For a few seconds, you just stood there frozen, looking at each other, when he suddenly clutched you tightly in his arms and you felt a few of his tears running down your neck.

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