Chapter 53

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Her kisses still wandered over your body as you were helplessly tied to the bed and could do nothing but enjoy. But you couldn't really enjoy it. Your fingers were tingling because you weren't allowed to put your hands on Air's body but you wanted to. Your hands on her body would melt into each other.

You feel her cold skin as you drive her crazy with your warm hands. Every time afterwards, she feels like you've reshaped her body, even if she doesn't reveal it obviously. But her posture tells me every time.

You didn't even notice that Air just sat down on your lap again without doing anything. You are often not receptive with Air and when you are, everything comes slowly through your head.

When you had halfway processed the situation, you looked your wife in the face, who had a huge smile on her lips. "Now that you're receptive again, I can continue," she smirked, before tossing her hair over her shoulder and starting to unzip her pants.

She climbed off you a little to take off her pants as she lay naked on top of you. You could feel her heat through your pants, which didn't make you feel any less relaxed.

"In fact, I wanted to talk to you about making it public that you're my husband and a chosen one. And I'm not even mad at you for doing it because of the incident..." she leaned down towards you again.

You were confused. She was talking about a punishment earlier, wasn't she? Didn't she?

As if Air could read your mind, she gave you an answer. "You're being punished for lying to me. You knew where my phone was and you lied coldly... bad bad boy..." Air bit her lips tenderly as she put her hands on your upper body and stood up again.

You would never have expected what she did next. She started to touch herself and began to ride you while you were still in those agonizingly tight painful pants. Your addiction to her was like a wild fire that no one could tame.

Again and again you tried to move your hands so that you forgot the pain of the handcuffs around your wrist. Air moaned your name, screamed it, said it and each time you were surprised at how your name could sound from her mouth.

You often closed your eyes to try not to come in your pants. And when you thought you had regained your composure, all you had to do was open your eyes and your hope was gone. Your wife's body looked so perfect.

Just the fact that your wife was sitting on top of you and jerking off while you lay there, agonizing and helpless, fucked your brain. Her wetness, as well as her warmth, penetrated further through your pants that you could already feel it at your cock.

Her movements became faster, more urgent, you knew her orgasm was not far away. But her wild nature didn't make it any better. "Uhh Fire... you're so good to sit on..." she moaned. Without wanting to, you opened your eyes again and looked at her as she came over you again. Rapidly her movements stopped as you could only hear her rapid breathing.

"Please... let me come. Your body is driving me crazy and the handcuffs alone are torture for me. Please. I don't know what you're doing to me, but please... I want to feel this breathtaking feeling with you until we collapse... can't hold each other anymore... damn Air I want you... I'm wild for you!" your voice became loud as you realized what you had said. For a moment, you were sure that this was your signature for your torment. But she suddenly started to smile.

But even there you were suspicious for a moment. Perhaps it was simply the receding orgasm that was causing this stomach ache.

"I've never heard you beg so sweetly... will you promise to be good?" She leaned in front of you again and breathed soft kisses on your lips as she asked you. Your face was electrified as her breath flattened your nerves. But somehow you still managed to nod. You only noticed that she released the handcuffs while you briefly disappeared into a trance.

So you didn't notice when Air started to take off your pants and you were already naked. It was only when her cold fingers moved along your thighs that you woke up again. You were confused when you felt your arms again and could use them. Flippantly, you took them from over your head and pulled Air's upper body straight up to you.

Air slid so perfectly onto your lap as your hands automatically worked for you while your head was busy with Air's eyes and mouth. She had again placed her arms next to your head to get a hold over you as she began to encircle your cock. Her wetness ran down your cock as a moan escaped you. Your nerves had a meltdown after Air jerked herself all over you.

You wanted to moan, but Air started kissing you first, as if she was inhaling your moans.

She sat motionless on top of you for a moment before she started to move and the orgasm started to build up again more quickly. You briefly forgot about your hands, which were still holding Air by her waist, as you began to explore more of her body.

Every time you touched her body, it was like you were getting to know her curves all over again, even though you should have been a pro by now when it came to Air's body.

You just felt Air's cold lips on yours, taking your breath away, and Air's tightness around your cock. And that's when it happened. You lost yourself in sensation as you grabbed her, flipped her over and suddenly you were on top of her.

You buried your cock deep inside her as you felt her about to come again. She wanted to scream, but now you were the one inhaling it from her and it made you feel even better. Unholy fucking shit.

Your hands wandered over her body far too quickly as your whole nervous system suddenly started to tingle and you interrupted the kiss. Your orgasm ran over you like a train as many of your muscles tensed as if you had a cramp in many places at once. A cramp that just felt like a release.

Cumming in Air while she was also fainting from release was almost mind-boggling. You knew your mouth was open and you said something, but you can't remember what. Maybe you were screaming too.

Slowly you came back from the cloud and you realized that was more than enough for both of you as you threw yourself on top of her, exhausted. Both of your hearts were pumping rapidly with your cock still pulsing inside her as you felt yourself drifting further and further off.

You wanted to give Air another kiss. With your lips on her cheek, you fell asleep because you had no strength left to pull her away. Air wrapped her arms tightly around you as you both fell asleep.

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