Chapter 41

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Air thought about it for a moment until she suggested that you just take a short break here before you then go home together. She found the starry sky so beautiful, which is why she wanted to lie here with you for a short while. So you directed your gaze towards the sky and had to admit that it was really beautiful.

Since there were no lamps here and darkness surrounded you, the sky was even more intense. And now lying here with Air made the moment even more magical.

Fixated on the sky, you lost yourself in the moment when something cold touched your hand. Surprised, you looked at your hand where Air just took her hand in yours. "Are you alright Fire? You're so... stiff?" you looked up from your hand to Air's face as her voice rang in your ear.

"Is it that noticeable?" you asked, to which she just nodded in concern. You directed your gaze back up to the sky as you started talking. "It's just kind of weird to act normal towards you again, as if nothing had happened. I know you're doing okay again but an hour ago you were lying motionless in my arms... I thought I had killed you..." you inconspicuously tried to wipe away a tear in your eye.

"Oh... I didn't think of it that way. You saved me. If you hadn't pulled out the knife, I'd probably still be lying motionless in your arms. But remember, I'm still the same woman who loves you just as much as she did before. Now even more than before." Air smirked as you turned your head to her as she just turned hers to you as well. She put a smile on your lips as her smirk spread warmth throughout your body.

You briefly held eye contact before you both turned your gaze back to the sky and held your hands tightly together. You rested your head a little against her shoulder as she lay flat on the ground. Air was better from the pain by own, but she was still in so much pain that she could hardly move and wanted to avoid laying on the side.

You actually wanted to ask her if you wanted to go home now, but next to her it suddenly became so cozy that you wanted to close your eyes just for a moment, but ended up falling asleep.

*Aice's pov*
For a long time you were still lying there watching the sky, when Fire's head on your shoulder became heavier and he started to purr. He eventually turned so that his one arm was then on your chest.

You tried to snuggle up to him, but it was still very painful in your stomach, which is why you couldn't manage to move. This pain kept you awake for a long time that night, because you just couldn't manage to fall asleep.

Fortunately, at some point your tiredness was stronger than this pain that you finally fell asleep.

Early you woke up again as the sun slowly rose through the trees. You didn't get any energy from this sleep and you were still just as tired as last night, maybe even more tired. You tried to fall asleep again, as Fire was still sleeping next to you, but it just didn't work. The pain was bigger than your tiredness.

So you lay there for a while, hoping that the pain would finally fade while you thought a bit.

The wedding of Mountain and Cirrus came into your head. It was already damn soon. But you were already looking forward to the day.

You were just thinking about some planning when Fire stirred next to you, slowly waking up. Sleepily he looked at you, as you could tell he definitely still wanted to sleep.

"Good morning. How are you? Does it still hurt a lot?" He straightened up and turned to you. You tried to straighten up as well, but stopped again because the pain was still clearly noticeable. "Right now it's even worse than yesterday..." you said tensely, wanting to curl up in pain.

"We really need to get back to the church...I can't leave you here in the woods. Do you think you can make it?" Fire looked to you as he himself felt sorry for you having to experience this pain.

Carefully Fire helped you to your feet as you tried not to let the pain win. You couldn't even keep your balance as you slumped inside from the pain that Fire had to support you.

You lacked strength. You simply had no strength left, while every movement made the sting hurt even more. Slowly you put one foot in front of the other when you wanted to go home together. You weren't quite quickly going home and you often had the desire to curse or cry.

"Fuck! Fire... just leave me here... it's no use... I can barely walk because of this pain." you cursed again as you broke down emotionally. You were confused that Fire hadn't lost his patience yet, as slow as you've been progressing. "No Air I'm not leaving you here alone. Do you know how proud I am of you even going by yourself? Even if it takes us all day to go home."

Fire kept motivating you, which actually did some good. Through his words you could forget your pain and you could even walk a little faster. But you were quite happy when you finally saw the masonry of the church and it wasn't so far away anymore.

Just before the church you couldn't walk anymore. No matter what you tried, you couldn't manage to set foot. Your belly was cramping and you had the feeling that you were about to faint.

Fire took you to the bench that was there as your tears rolled. "'s ok Air. Don't cry. You know how much I don't like to see you cry. The rest I will carry you, you deserve that. After you fought so well." Fire gave you a kiss on your forehead as he sat next to you for a moment before taking you bride style.

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