Chapter 14

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Nervously, you looked to Fire as he also pulled out a note. "Dear Air. I also remember just as well how it all started with us. My heart broke when you came out of the office. Scared and sad, then when I talked to you, wow you charmed me. I don't know what you did to me. I thought I knew what love was, but you twisted everything inside me. How many times did I rack my brain because I wanted you but just didn't know how to talkt to you. I was sure you just didn't want that kind of man like me and you wanted to be with everyone else but me. Everyone said to me that we would be perfect together and you would find your way already. But my thoughts convinced me that I would never make it. Then came the incident with Abacus and Sabacus. This creature that saved me was the most beautiful I have ever seen. All the time I was raving about how beautiful those eyes were and how much I wanted to thank this beings. Turns out it was you. Air. And when did I tell it all? Air. Exactly. What you must have thought..."

You smirk as you thought back to when Fire was just raving about it.

"Then it was finally announced that Air was the new chosen one. At that point, I didn't even know it was her. I was speechless when I realized that it was her and she saved me and Sunshine without hesitation for a second. It was a strange feeling to know that it was Air all along. But then I also realized that a simple man like me would never be able to stand next to her. She would have to be drunk if she fell for me. My desire for her grew, but I just didn't have the courage to approach her and tell her. My boys always told me what she thought about me, but still no courage. Aether was then the one who got the ball rolling. We were sitting there in the forest when her whole body made me crazy, I don't know why we kinda like hugged us and beeing so close together, we just did. And again I got this tingling in my fingers when I touch her, as if I am allowed to touch her for the first time. She was so insecure and afraid of being hurt again, while I just kind of hoped that her lips would be on mine soon. I needed her, just like she needed me. Without being really hurt, we strengthened ourselves and turned onto a safe path together. And when I look at Air now, I see such a strong girl full of happiness and character but also a great amount of craziness, which always makes me laugh. So many say, still to this day, that our love is special, which I can now agree with from the bottom of my heart. Once when it became a bit critical between us, she gave me a book. This great being wrote down our whole story when it all started. She put her thoughts in there when anything happend between us. And I keep reading this book when I miss her and every time I close the book I have a smile on my lips and tears running from my eyes."

You wiped away a tear just as Fire was about to open the book. You felt a little embarrassed when you realized that Fire was about to read from the book that he was never supposed to see and no one else was supposed to know about.

"Hey book. It's me again. Air. I have something new to tell you. We've just been on the tour bus the whole time we've been driving around Spain. Fire asked me this morning if I wanted to sit next to him on the bus. Of course I didn't say no. Unfortunately I had to sit in front of him, because Rain wanted to sit next to Aether, so there was no place for me in the row. Well... I would have also sat on Fire's lap. I had absolutely no problem with that. Then when we were on the road, I pretended to look out the windows and just listen to my music or do fun stuff with the others. But out of the corner of my eye I was always watching Fire. The whole Time. He was either reading, chatting with the guys, or trying to sleep, which didn't work because I threw him off with something every now and then. Always his eyes were the first thing I looked at but later I pulled myself back a bit and was making up a poem or whatever. Here this is what I imagined! In MY Head!? 'I love the way you look at me and hopping one day you will pull me towards you with them before we kiss. One look in your eyes and I understand, it's going to hurt so much when you say 'I'm leaving.' I look into your eyes and see my home there, because always then the world makes a short break. One look in your eyes and I understand why I actually turn my head all the time just for you.'"

Fire closed the book again as a tear ran down his cheek and he had a smile on his lips. He came up to you as you stood up and stood in front of him. Carefully you wiped away his tear as you looked at him with a smile.

"Air... You were always that little spark of love that confirmed to me that I was doing everything right. With you I walk right. I laugh right. I cry right. With you, I love right." Fire fell into your arms hugging you tightly that you have never felt so much in love with him.

"I love you Air and willing to give everything to keep you safe so you show me how to walk right." That was the sweetest thing Fire said to you when you took him in your arms and made him feel exactly the same.

Its your man, sharing him with anybody isn't ok for you anymore after what just happend. He is to sweet to share.

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