Chapter 55

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You boys had been in the restaurant for a few more hours when you came into the room tired. There wasn't much conversation between you, as everyone wanted to sleep as quickly as possible to get enough energy for tomorrow.

You were the last one to walk around the room when the others were already pulling the covers over themselves and doing something on their cell phones. Rain was already fast asleep as he lay peacefully in his bed.

"Good night. Sleep well. I'm so happy for Cirrus and you Mountain. Exited what's all gonna happen tomorrow." you said quietly so that you wouldn't wake Rain, but loud enough for everyone to hear you.

"Thanks. I'm really exited about tomorrow too. I hope everything goes as planned." "Don't worry Mountain. The wedding will be fine no matter what." Swiss turned to Mountain, who looked a little uncomfortable. "Really?" he asked, with slight uncertainty and fear in his voice. "Mounty... stop worrying like that. You mustn't even let the thoughts in! Otherwise something will happen in the end. Your wedding will be beautiful... maybe even more beautiful than mine and Air's... although... it will be difficult to top that... your wedding will be as beautiful as ours... and you liked ours too, didn't you?" although you were about to get into your bed, you walked closer to Mountains bed.

"Sure... but-" "No buts... good night." You turned around and lay down in your bed. You were about to answer your phone when you saw out of the corner of your eye that Mountain was still worrying. Without thinking, you picked up your pillow and threw it at Mountain. He was startled for a moment when he looked at you in surprise. "What was that about?" he was about to throw it back at you when it didn't quite hit you, but Swiss.

"Ey!" was all he said as he threw his pillow and yours too. And so your pillow fight began. One of you accidentally hit Rain, which woke him up again. But he wasn't angry and just grabbed his pillow too. You had to laugh the whole time, as your stomach was already hurting. At some point, you all fell onto your beds exhausted and all you could hear was your rapid breathing.

This time you really lay down and you grabbed your phone again. Air had been texting you the whole time to see if you were still awake.

"Are you still awake?"
"Love of my life where are you?"

"Sorry, I'll check in now too. Just had another pillow fight after Mountain was so worried about the wedding."
"Oh, yeah, it's no different for us. We all didn't want to sleep together in the same room, which is why I had my peace and quiet when I went to our room.
"I wish I was there. With you. And could hold you in my arms."

"I don't. XD"

"What, what did I do? Did I forget to put something away? Do you have a new one? Is he lying next to you?"

"I have the bed to myself."


"Do you really think there's one person next to you that I love more?"



"Good night. I really need to sleep."

"Hey, I'm not finished yet! Give me an answer to my question."

"Sleep well. And see you tomorrow!"

"Are you staying dangerously online?"
"I'll come to your hotel if you don't give me an answer now."
"Dude... I didn't mean to make you sad. I didn't mean it like that."
"I'm sorry."
"Good night."
"Sleep well."
"Love you."

"It's so easy to make you feel insecure. But I didn't mean it like that either. Of course I know how much you love me and I can trust you. You sleep well in our bed too. Without me. I hope you at least dream of me. I'm looking forward to holding you in my arms again tomorrow. Love you."

You noticed that Air wrote another message, but before she sent it, you had already turned off your cell phone and put it on your bedside table. Only now did you realize that everyone was already asleep and you could only hear the faint sound of snoring.

Before you went to sleep, you went to your suitcase and took out a shirt. You then lay back down in your bed with the shirt. It was only a short distance from your nose when you inhaled Air's scent. You took one of her shirts with you when you packed your suitcase in the hope that it would help you fall asleep faster and make you think that your wife is actually very close to you right now.

You snuggled up to the shirt. And once you were snuggled up properly under your comforter, you were able to fall asleep faster than you expected.

You had just come back from breakfast when it was time to get dressed. It was still pretty quiet in the hotel and you were almost the only ones at breakfast as it was early in the morning.

Still a little tired, you gathered your things together while the others got ready. At some point, they packed up their things and you got dressed. That way you could relax and get ready and it wasn't too crowded.

You stood in front of the mirror again and looked to see if your horns were clean, which made you think back and you immediately smiled again. "Fire are you coming?" "Yes... I'm coming." you said confidently as you proudly looked at your bite mark before leaving the bathroom.

You somehow stuffed your things back into your car before driving off to the location. You were among the first to greet a few people. This time, however, you didn't have as much time when you went in because the girls were coming soon.

You were still sitting on the bench where you were going to sit when you turned on your cell phone for the first time today. You stopped short when you saw how many messages Air had sent you. You were about to read through them when your view was obscured by a pair of cold, delicate hands.

"Did you miss me?" she whispered in your ear from behind, making you feel hot again.

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