Chapter 57

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*Air's pov*
You saw Fire take to the dance floor with the two little ghoulettes. It was so cute to watch Fire dance with him, there were a few tears in your eyes. His smile looked so sweet as he looked happily at the two of them.

But this moment of happiness didn't last long. You were suddenly overcome with a wave of negative emotions. You suddenly pictured in your head how Fire would dance so sweetly with your child. How you only would know him with a smile because he just can't be sad with his child in his arms. The way he makes fun of her and their bond becomes stronger than anything else. He dancing with your child the way he was dancing with the girls.

Tears were in your eyes as you felt like you were going to throw up at any moment. You quickly got up from the table. With your eyes downcast, you took big steps towards the bathroom so that no other guests would recognize that you were crying. You tried to convince yourself that there would be no crying on a wedding day, but all the dams broke on you when you closed the cubicle door behind you and lifted the toilet bowl. Seconds later you throw up. You were glad that no one else was in the toilet and that you had some peace and quiet.

You briefly hung over the bowl and took a deep breath. Your dress got tighter and tighter, as if someone was standing behind you and pulling it even tighter, while at the same time you felt the walls getting closer and closer.

"Fuck." You shout in the toilet pushing those thoughts far in the back of your mind and putting them there in a cave so you hopefully would never think about it.

You groaned as you ended the panic attack and returned to the here and now. You wiped your mouth with the toilet paper hanging next to you before standing up again and pressing the flush. You walked to the sink on clumsy legs and looked at yourself in the mirror. For having just thrown up and cried, you still looked normal. Maybe a little disheveled hair, but that's probably what it looked like before.

You wiped your face a little with a paper towel that you had made a little wet. Since you never wear makeup anyway, you didn't have to worry about it smudging.

You had just thrown the towel in the bin when you went to adjust your dress in the mirror. You looked at yourself in the mirror when something seemed strange. The background had changed. You focused behind you and suddenly looked into Fire's face. He leaned casually against the wall a little way away from you.

"What are you doing here? You know that's the women's bathroom, right?" "Yep. But there's no other woman here right now, so no one will notice. And what am I doing here, you ask? I'm looking for my wife. After I came back to our place, she wasn't there anymore, which is why I was worried." Your eye contact was intense through the mirror as he moved closer and closer to you. His hands wrapped around your waist so that you could still see them in the mirror before he turned you around. He pushed you a bit against the sink causing you to whimper a bit and a hot feeling spread trough your body.

"Are you all right?" he asked as you looked into each other's eyes again without a mirror. "Yeah... it all just got too much." You smiled it off. "Tell me later what happened. Remember. No crying on the wedding day. Especially on our wedding day. And now come on. Let's dance." Fire made you smile when he started doing that too. He gave you a quick kiss before pulling you out of the bathroom by your wrist, where a woman was just walking in and just gave you a funny look.

And yes, you heard right. Cirrus and Mountain, like Fire and you, have the same wedding date. It was both of you couples' favorite date and Mountain and Cirrus were really sad that you got married earlier. That's why you offered to just share the date. You actually thought it was pretty cool. You indirectly promised each other to go on a double date when you celebrate your wedding anniversary.

Just as we arrived on the dance floor, the song 'Purple Rain' started playing. A typical slow song for couples. And one of your favorite to dance with your man.

You put your arm on Fire's shoulders, while his found a place on your hip again. Where the regular place of his hands are. But you can't complain either, because the way he kept pulling you towards him by your hips or turning you made you want more.

This song was followed by much faster songs, which you almost all danced along to. You only stopped when one of you had to go to the bathroom or you were thirsty. You danced until 5 o'clock in the morning, but at some point your shoes gave up and you danced without them.

You didn't know how you got home. You also didn't know whether you fell asleep at the party, in the car or at home. Even though you didn't drink any alcohol, you missed the last hour of the evening. Maybe tiredness made you forget that.

The next time you woke up, you were still lying in your bed with your dress on. Your blanket was on the floor and your pillow had disappeared somewhere. You wanted to go straight to Fire because you couldn't hear him breathing. With your eyes still closed, you stretched out your arm, hoping to feel him, but he wasn't lying next to you.

Now you opened your eyes and looked at his side. He wasn't there. You slowly got up as you felt the tiredness slowly disappearing from your body. You went straight to the bathroom to check. Just as you glanced into the bathroom, you saw Fire sitting on the toilet, asleep.

"Fire?" your voice sounded fucked up as you tried to wake Fire. He slowly started to stir as he looked to you in confusion. "Wh-what time is it? What day is it anyway?" he looked at you questioningly and sleepily. "I don't know."

Hello guys. I'm soooo fucking sorry for not updating my story. A lot of shit happen to me and I also had to say bye to my soul dog cause we had to put him down. But I will be more active!
Love ya!!

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