Chapter 32

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You were having a nice evening together in the restaurant when you were kicked out because they were about to close. SatansPoint recovered very quickly after the incident. The city now looked as if nothing had ever happened.

Together you all walked to the parking laughing a lot while looking for your cars. Even as you walked out of the restaurant, Fire was holding your arm and walking proudly beside you. It made your heart beat faster when you realized that he was only walking so proudly because you were his wife.

At the cars you split up again, as you already went there. Actually Aether should drive home, but he had a few glasses of wine, so you took over the driving. Sunshine sat on the passenger seat again, when the boys took a seat in the back.

You actually wanted to drive off, but for some reason you had to clarify who will be the cooler aunt or uncle, which is why you were at the end the only ones in the parking lot, since the others were already driving. At some point it was just a discussion between Aether and Fire, which is why you looked helplessly at Sunshine and then you had to start laughing.

After that you started to drive home. You talked a bit with Sunshine during the drive, as you casually put one arm on the backrest in the middle and drove totally relaxed through the night.

You didn't even notice that the discussion from the guys had ended when you noticed how quiet it suddenly was. With one hand, you let the steering wheel swing one last time before parking the car perfectly. Just as you were about to unbuckle your seatbelt, you heard Fire's heavy breathing softly, so you looked directly through the rearview mirror and saw Fire watching you at first, but his gaze quickly slipped away. Does he like the way your driving? Or did he just remember?

With a grin you got out of the car and made your way to the church. The four of you were the last ones who are still walking around the church, so you quietly walked up the main stairs and said your goodbyes at the top. Fire hung a few steps behind, already since the car, which is why you were already walking down the hall to your rooms.

You heard the small footsteps coming closer and closer as they scurried past you and pulled you behind by a grip on your wrist. So you then really quickly arrived at your room.

Fire kind of threw you  into the room as he quickly closed it while you had a smirk on your lips. "I don't know what you did to me, but fuck I need you. Now." Fire turned to you as you dared a look at his crotch where there was already a noticeable bulge.

You walked up to him, as you then stood in front of him and carefully put his hair behind his ear. Your fingers tingled where they touched Fire's skin as thoughts of earlier came flooding back to you. You moved your head in the direction of his neck as you let your fresh breath run down his back, giving him little goosebumps. Tenderly you kissed his neck as your hand moved down his neck.

Fires neck vibrated through his voice as he moaned your name, which made your lips tingle a bit.

You pulled your head back as you looked into Fire's eyes. "Make me a father." he whispered as he gave you his body, which you were now free to do anything you wanted to do with. Your eyebrows went together as you looked questioningly at him, wanting an explanation. "Mountain looked so damn happy when he got the news and I want to feel the same. I want to always remember what happened that night when I look at our child. I want to experience for myself what it will be like when I see your big belly and know that our child is inside. I want to be there for you when you bring it into the world. I want to feel the feeling of holding our child in my hand for the first time. It want to know how it feels like to be a father. You are the one I want to dare please..."

Fire's explanation was immediately clear to you, so you didn't have to think long.

Again you started kissing Fire, but this time on the lips. Your hands disappeared in his hair, while you managed to make your tongues dance a wild dance. Fire's hands didn't stay still either when he started touching you, that you definitely needed.

His hands were so gentle as they roamed over your clothes while you felt more and more like you were melting into each other. You eventually got so close to him that your chest was against his and you could feel his heartbeat on your chest. A small tear cling to your eyelashes as you felt your hearts beat in the same rhythm.

You weren't aware of how you started to move, but at some point you felt a cold wall in your back where Fire pushed you against a little that you couldn't help but weaken. In that brief moment where you neglected your dominance, Fire took it right from you and was now the dominant one. You didn't have a problem with that, you were even a little happy to be dominated by him.

He tore himself from your lips as you could see a wild fire dancing in his eyes. "Please Fire... this urge of you getting me pregnant... it already gives me a stomach ache that you still haven't done it. Please Fire, bury your cum in me already." you tried to those words over your lips as you were glad you had the wall in the back since you just couldn't manage to stand on your own two feet.

"You drive me so crazy. My desire for you is just indescribable." said Fire a little exhausted as he quickly grabbed you by your wrist and put you on your bed as he went to his side of the bed to his bedside cabinet.

You didn't even have the strength to throw the pillows or comforter off the bed as you lay there waiting for Fire.

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