theres nothing we can do to stop him.

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You got on toms lap and started making out with him. Tom slowly moved from your lips to your neck. As he's leaving you love marks all over your neck you take off his shirt and your shirt. Tom picks you up and lays you on your back so that he's on top of you. He smiles at you and starts kissing you again. Tom moves down to your jeans and starts taking them off. Tom kissed your inner thigh and took off your jeans. Tom undid your bra and and took off his boxers than y'all yk (sorry😭).

~After y'all finished~

You got up to get on your clothes and went to the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror, tom followed you to the bathroom and wrapped his arms around your waist and layer his head in your shoulder. "Holy fuck Tom they're everywhere" you said looking in the mirror. Tom laughed a little "yes and I'm very proud of them" he said while making another one on your shoulder. You rolled your eyes and went back to toms bed.

A few hours later you knew you had to get home so you asked Tom to take you back home. Your birthday was in 2 weeks and you and Tom have already made plans.

Tom drops you off at your house and you kiss him goodbye. Fuck you completely forgot about the hickeys on your neck. You had some extra concealer in your bag so you quickly put in on.

When you walk in everyone was waiting on the couch for you. Your sister was crying and having a panic attack, and your mom was nervous and shaky. "What's going on?" You asked. "Sit down y/n" your mom told you. You walk over and sit down by your sister. "Y/n.. your father is getting released from jail. On your birthday. And he wants to see you." You went numb. The only thing you could think of was all those times when you were younger. "I'm so sorry y/n, there's nothing we can do to stop him. He has full right." Your mom said. Your sister hugged you, you were to numb to hug back. "May I please go to bills?" That was the only thing you could say. Your mom nodded and you called bill and told him everything. "Can you please come pick me up bill? I can't be here" you said "yes of course y/n I'll be right there" you smiled and waited outside for him.

Bill pulled up outside of your house with Tom on the back. You got in and everyone was silent. Tom never knew about your dad until now. "Don't feel bad" you finally spoke "things like this happen all time." Bill and Tom looked at you. Tom reached over from the backseat and hugged you. "I'm so sorry y/n, I'll do anything in my power to protect you." Tom said, he let go of the hugged and cupped your face with his hands. You kissed Tom and turned back facing the windshield. Bill pulled over the car to hug you. You didn't say anything just hugged each other. Bill finally let go and continued driving to their place.

When you finally got to toms and bills house you took bill and went up to his room and layer down on his bed. You didn't say anything just fell asleep (it made Tom a little jealous but he didn't say anything).

~Bills POV~

I couldn't help but actually cry for her. She was my best friend, I would do anything to protect her, always. I know it hurt Tom too seeing her like this. I just closed my door to let her rest. I really hope she doesn't hurt herself or even worse. I might need to tell Tom about the cutting and attempt.

~Toms POV~

I can't believe I didn't know about this, I mean bill and y/n have always been closer to each other but I still wish I knew. I can't be mad at her though, it's nearly impossible. The most perfect people go through the hardest things.

~Back to Bill~

I know y/n will be pissed but I have to tell him. Tom is the only person she will listen to (bill is too but he doesn't realize it🤭)

"Hey Tom?" I said.

"Yeah?" I took a deep breath, "There's something I need to tell you about y/n, but you have to promise you won't tell her I told you." "Yeah I promise, what's up?" Tom started to look concerned now. "Y/n cuts herself, she's been doing it for years, since she was 10. And at 12 she tried to commit, that's why she wasn't at school for a month in middle school." I exhaled deeply.

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