i wish i never fucking had you

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"I can't do this anymore bill, I'm going to kill my self" you said while crying into his chest. Bill closed his eye and cried with you. "Y/n you don't understand how much me and Tom need you. You are our world. You mean everything to us. I fucking need you. And hell Tom? Tom would fucking kill himself before you got the chance" bill said while holding onto you tightly. You were speechless. You couldn't move you could just cry. "I don't want to move, I want to fucking stay here with you and Tom, I don't fucking care about my dad, hell I'll get a fucking restraining order, please don't let me leave" you said while looking up at bill. Bill nodded. "I promise I won't let you leave. Now how about we wait for Tom to get suspended and then we can leave" you smiled and nodded "ok"

30 minutes later Tom got out of the principals office. "How long are you suspended for?" You asked. "Since it was so severe it's for the rest of the year." Tom said "YOURE FUCKING EXPELLED?" You yelled. Tom nods as he walks over to you to hug you because you start crying again. "Tom I wanna go home, I want you and bill to come with me though." You said hugging Tom back. Tom nods.

You Tom and bill walk to toms car and get in. You bill and Tom make a plan to convince your mom to get a restraining order against your dad so you don't have to move.

Tom pulls up to your house and you all get out. You 3 walk in and your mom sees you "y/n, bill, Tom what are you doing here why aren't you at school" your mom says. "Get a fucking restraining order against dad. There's no fucking way you can't, I know damn well you can mom. Or just fucking let him come here and beat the shit outta me, I couldn't fucking careless. LET HIM BEAT THE FUCK OUTTA ME LIKE HOW TOM BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF THE GIRL AT SCHOOL!" You said screaming at your mom. Your mom raises a eyebrow. "And you know what mom dad would fucking find us with grandma and grandpa. He's not fucking dumb." You said, "Y/n don't you think I've fucking tried!? You don't think I've never thought about getting a fucking retraining order against that fucking bastard?!" Your mom said yelling back at you. "Then you and annie(your sister) move! Let me stay here with Tom and bill! I fucking love them! Bill is like my brother, he's my best fucking friend. And I'm literally dating tom! And we fucking love each other!" You said screaming at your mom. Bill and tom were speechless, they didn't know what to say. "I don't believe that for a second that your dating tom, there's no fucking way you are" your mom said scoffing at you. "Oh really?!?" You said, you then grabbed Tom and kissed him hard, he kissed you back, there was a way in how he kissed you back that showed y'all  were dating. "I still don't fucking believe that y'all are dating." Your mom said while drying off a cup. "Well it doesn't fucking matter if you believe it! We're dating and there's nothing you can do to break us up!" You screamed. "You fucking know what you little brat! We can fucking stay here because you have to get your perfect little way! Goddamn y/n I wish I never fucking had you" after your mom said that, you felt like you just got stabbed in the heart so many times. You just nodded and walked out. Tom and bill followed you. You had a razor blade kept in your bag for if you ever need to shave your eyebrows a little bit real quick. You were turned around from them so didn't see that you were cutting your arms until they walked over and saw you. Bill grabbed the blade and Tom grabbed your arms. You were crying hysterically. "Oh y/n.." Tom said while looking at your arms. He pulled you into a tight hug. You cried into his chest as he cried into your hair. "I'm sorry" you said while crying into Tom chest. "It's ok y/n your safe with us." Tom said. Tom let go of the hug and took off his jacket and put it on you. You smiled "Come on let's get you taken care of" tom says as he guides you to his car.

You tom and bill get into the car and drive to toms house. The drive was silent, the car was full of cries. Bill was trying to hold the blood in your arms so you wouldn't bleed out.

You 3 finally pull up to toms house and immediately go into the bathroom, Tom grabs the bandages and wraps it around your arms. You start to cry, not from pain from how bad you felt. "Hey hey hey It's ok" Tom says while wrapping your arms. "I'm so sorry i know I hurt y'all but doing this." You say while looking up at them. They hug you and tell you it's ok. Tom kisses you for what seemed like awhile.

Tom was starting the second arm when Tom saw one vertical line on your wrist that won't stop bleeding


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